Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Monday, April 20, 2015

April 20, 2015- Another Wonderful Week!!!

Hi Family!!

I am well. Actually really well. Wanna know why? Because the Lord is wonderful and I had a miracle this week.... I will tell..
So, last monday at 8:00 I had an appointment marked with the specialist I have been seeing for quite some time. The same one that I went to late one Sunday night, a few months ago,  when I was not able to stand the pain. Anyway, she seemed to be pretty good. She works in the chique-iest hospitals here in São Paulo, and for a while the anti biotics she gave me seemed to be helping. BUT, the last time I saw her she told me that she would try to give me another 10 days of medicine but if that didn´t work, she wouldn´t have much more to do to help me. I did the 10 days. NADA. 
Actually, I got a lot worse, so at this point I talked to sister Del Guerso and called the mission doctors and everything. So I was a little scared for my appointment knowing that she would probably be baffled and confused about what to do to help me and I didn´t even want to imagine what would come next. WELL.. last Sunday, S. Del Guerso recieved a phone call saying that my appointment had been changed to 9:00. Thinking nothing of it, let Brother Swensen I me know of the change. When we arrived at 9:00, the receptionist told us that she had NOT made the call, and that the doctor had already come, waited and left. To make matters worse, she would be traveling and only be able to see me again in 2 weeks. 

As you may imagine, I had to fight back tears as I explained that with the pain I was in, 2 weeks would simply not work. She told us the only other option was to mark an appointment with another specialist. I was reluctant, but having no choice, we marked and returned. And guess what?1 He was able to help me. He looked at the exams, expained everything, and told us that anti biotics would NOT help me.I needed to take steriods. In short, my problem is rare, and a little serious, but nothing that can´t be solved here. 

Until now, we have no idea who called. Maybe some angel somewhere? But I am oh so gateful. Because I am loving every minute of this mission experience. So may blessings. So many miracles.

I will tell a few... So, Veronica is wonderful. Everyone is in awe at her faithfulness. She has began preaching the gospel to her friends and family. This week we taught the word of wisdom. After we finished we asked if she had problems or questions and she responded.. ``It is a good thing my coffee is running out!! I simply won´t buy more! Commandments are made to be follwed.´´ After reading, she gave her husband the pamplet, explaining that she really needed it. She is sharing the gospel with family and friends, making remarkable comments in church, and astounding everyone her knowledge and faith. If all goes as planned, she will be baptized this Saturday. Pray for Veronica!

The Ganzarolli family invited us to eat at their fancy restaurant this week! (mom and dad, you are also invited for a great dinner when you get her. You will love this place) Another night we visited and talked about famlies. We showed photos and told stories. We sang hymns about the family together and it was wonderful. This is such a special family and I want to help them so much. I dream about baptizing their 3 beautiful children. Only, it is a little more complicated now because their 15 year old daughter no longer believes in God and the 13-year old has stopped praying :( We had a cool idea this week.. We will give all the children a Book of Mormon with a dedication from someone in the ward with their same age. The testimonies we have recieved are incredible and we know they will be touched. 

Also, this week we were invited to participate in 2 FHEs with president. One was a pizza night, because his son Rafael is in town taking a pizza course and he needed to practice. So we had 10 pizzas! We invited Morgan and Rogério. Guess what?! Rogério recieved the OK from bishop and he will able to baptize his friend!! He is SO excited and I know it will give his some goals and purpose and stuff. They loved chatting with Presi. 
The other night, I had the privilige to see some of my Campo Limpo investigators!! Marcos, Martha, and Paloma. More than a year ago, Sister Valente and I helped with their wedding, but they ended up not being baptized because of freaking cigarettes. But, they contined going to church weekly, and finally, after one year, their special day arrived. It was SO COOL so see the difference the gospel has made in their lives. They looked younger, happier, and full of hope. Paloma, their 21-year old daughter talked to us about a mission. Who knows? Maybe she will serve?!

And, another night the Vila Sonia sisters were needing our help so I got to spend a few hours in one of my favorite places! And, I got to see a Bolivian convert, Miguel. He was so excited to see me and informed me that he has never forgotten us. Actually, he even took the christmas card I sent with him to Bolivia to tell his mom about his baptism. And, he is participating in institute and the danges. And, he baptized his friend recently, and I got a change to meet him too. 

In other news, we are great. Working hard and seeing lots of fruits. My English class grows weekly and my students are just darling. I gave them all their very own Book of Mormons with a little English message and a picture of our family. We read a little bit every week. We sing primary songs and learning gospel and english basics the whole time. 

Did I mention, I love being a missionary?!

Have a great week!
Sister Lauren

p.s. Ohh we were thinking about marking the wedding for when you will be here!! That way you can help me with the reception. I am in over my head with things to do and i want it to be so special for her

Carla LOVED our family. And her friend too. So much so, that her friend said that she now wants to know morea bout the church. She said that you guys have a positive energy that she has never felt before. 

hahaha. President is baffled because Ferreira has always been the assistants area and they were never able to baptize anyone, but we have baptisms planned practically every week of the next transfer so I won´t be surprised if he calls us again soon. :)

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