Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Monday, May 25, 2015

May 25, 2015- Holy Ground, Lauren's last letter!

This is Lauren's last letter! I am so grateful to each of you for your love and support towards Lauren and our family while she has been serving in Brazil. It doesn't seem real that missions actually come to an end. I will miss her letters each monday but can't wait to see her in Brazil this Saturday. Many of you have asked when she will report her mission, June 14, 1:00! Please see the invite below! We would love to see you there and at our house after for some Brazilian food!
Christine Neeleman

Family and Friends!
One day, a few thousand years ago, a young kid, Moses, followed the promptings of the Holy Ghost and found himself on top of a mountain. What the Lord had in store for him that day would surely change his life, and history as we know it, forever.
As the Lord appeared to him in the flame of a burning bush, he requested that Moses take off his shoes to show reverance to that holy ground. In retrospect, I don´t think it was, necessarily the soil, nor the bush that made the differance, but rather the life-changing events that, for a moment in time, sanctified that little spot. 
So today, in honor of muy last official email as a full-time representative of Jesus Christ, I would like to write a bit about a few of my sacred spots. My Holy Ground... These places, like the mountain, may appear totally normal and some seem very very far from holy. Many have and will continue to pass through these places without even knowing the eternal significance that these places have made on me. But despite the grafitti and the funky music (lotts of BOOM CHA CHA) these places will forever hold a special place in my heart.

1. the Atlanta airport- Where I spent my layover just one week before christmas. With swollen eyes and no more tears left to cry I sat listening to some guy play I´ll be home for Christmas on the piano. Ironic. I ate my Panda Express (my American farewell) and tried not to think to hard about the 18 month journey that was just beginning,. 

2. CTM - About the second day of the CTM I decided to read the Book of Mormon from the beginning. As I read about how hard Nephi worked to create the plates and follow God´s commandments, I decided that God uses prepared instruments... About 487 flash cards and 803 headaches later, I left that sacred spot at least being about to communicate a bit. I learned that hard work always pays off. 

3. Little Teeny Tiny Campo Limpo house- Well... I am a bit embarrassed to admit that when I to the field I had to hide my horror... Never endless stream of ants, (even in my toothbrush!! yuck) and about enough closet space to give room to a third of my clothes. I wondered how I would get by. UNTIL I spent some time in the favelas and learned what it means to be in difficult circumstances. I became very grateful for that little house in no time. 

4. My bed side- Every night I talked with God but at times I pleaded for many reasons... but one I will never forget. As I talked to heavenly father about my seemingly difficult trainer (she spit loogies, farted in our pillows, and at times completely stopped talking to me all together) it was as if I heard a voice saying ``Laur, she too is my daughter and I love her dearly. Your job is to figure out why and love her too. ´´ Humbling experience? Yes Forgettable? No     I can honestly say that I have found something to love about every compaion and we have been extremely blessed as we have worked hard together.

5. 6 Baptismal fonts in which I watched those who I had come to love dearly making important covenants with their Heavenly Father. I can honestly say that I have seem a glimpse of heaven´s light. 

6. Some street in Cotia where some vicous dog took his anger out on my leg- Though the doctor asked that I stay in bed for a few days, I couldn´t even manage a few hours. I thought about each and every one of the people that we were teaching and thought ``get me out of here!!!´´  I learned that I am a bit passionate about this missionary work business. 

6. Some Caucaia Chapel- It was there that I recieved a phone call from the MTC specialist saying that if my seemingly cronic infection didn´t clear up, I would have to come home early. Not knowing what to do, I found a little class room and prayed. And prayed asking heavenly father to help me finish strong. And that is exactly what He has done. I will be forever grateful for these last 2 months. 

7. Lastly, I am grateful for my last challenge... Ferreira. I have heard about this ``buraco´´(whole)  since my very first day. I heard that it is full of skycrappers and suuupeer difficult to baptize. SO... you can imagine my disappointment when I got the news that I would probably end up here. In my first few weeks we cleaned the baptismal font and found spiders and cobwebs due to a lack of use. ``So much for a strong ending´´ I thought. But then I rethought, decided that I would do what I have always done... pray hard (real hard) and wait for the Lord to bless us. And that is exactly what He has done. with all sorts of miracles.

In closing I would like to cite one of my favorite Elder Holland quotes... ``I believe that in our own individual ways, God takes us to the grove or the mountain or the temple, and there shows us the wonder of what His plan is for us. We may not see it as fully as Moses or Nephi or the brother of Jared did, but we see as much as we need to see in order to know the Lord´s will for us and to know that He loves us beyond mortal comprehension.``

I know that I have a heavenly Father because I have felt his love. In the very best and the very worst of times, he was with me, teaching me, helping me and at times holding me. I know that Jesus Christ is our Salvador because I have had the unique privilige to see what His power can do. 
I have loved my mission and know that I will use it and learn from it for as long as I live... and maybe after too. 

As my last words I would like to quote an ancient prophet... (We missionaries are good at that) 
 I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete. (2 John 12)

Until a short few (DAYS) :)
com amor, 

sister Lauren

p.s.  The only other thing I was thinking... if you could bring a hymn book in English, that would be great. That way we can sing together for everyone. Guess what?!? Angela and Edilson and family came from Cotia to surprise me at church this week!!! It was so incredible to see them and she thanked me for all I did for her family. She invited us to a churrasco June 6th. She is so excited to meet you two. 

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