Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Monday, March 2, 2015

March 2, 2015- SIM!!!

Hi family!!

It has been another great week here in Fereira! Let me give you a few highlights...

So remember our inspiration that Henrique needed to start going to seminary?! (Henrique is the 17 son of our investigator family who was previously athiest) Well, we presented the idea to him making seminary sound like the very best thing on planet earth. We talked about the incredible teacher, the daily snack, and the cute girls. We may have been exaggerating a little bit, but we missionaries are known for our exaggerations. And with the help of his ever so insistent parents, HE AGREED!! We asked a member to give him a ride for his first day because it was raining cats and dogs. We called and sensed that he was a little reluctant but didn´t even give him an option. We simply said, ``Henrique, we are waiting for you... just come out´´ The member just looked at us and laughed calling us cara de pau.. But gues what?! He went and actually kind of liked it. So much so that he kept going the rest of the week. Even without a ride!! I was shocked. But we bought him scriptures and now he is even participating and everything. I am so very proud. 

Also, Rosana (the member´s sister/phycologist who is partially paralyzed) accepted a baptismal date!! 15 de Março and we are so very pleased. She grew up Catholic but recently experienced lots of emotional and physical problems which finally made her a little more humble and willing to accept our message. She is so so smart. She loves to read and remembers everything. Her worry is that she won´t be able to endure to the end because she can barely walk and church is extremely exhausting. I helped her a bit and packed a little snack. Crackers and an apple. And I think she was not so absolutely tired this week. Her member sister is helping us lots too, and when we told her that we had marked her sister for baptism she began to cry and told us that we were helping to change her life. 

Also, we got a new ward mission leader and he his amazing. A successful businessdude who treats missionary work in our ward exactly like a company. BUT some amazing things are happing. On sunday he planned a BBQ with half of the ward members. Lots of food. Lots of people. And then, he began calling for referrals from everyone!! Just like that! And he basically planned our week for us including members to help us teach Rosana every day and a FHE tonight with Carla Diego Henrique and one of our eternal investigators, Manuel. I love when see members who are still so excited about missionary work and oh so willing to help us. 
For the last 5 years the Ferreira ward has baptized an average of 5 people per year and Kiko, our WML told us that was simply unacceptable. He created a personal goal of 30.. Maybe he is shooting a little high but I guess if you shoot for the stars and reach the moon, you still end up in a pretty good place, so I am excited to see all the good things that will happen here! What a great last area! I feel blessed. 

And to close, I would like to tell a story that Iris told yesterday in Sacrament meeting because I was very touched. So Iris´s daughter is 2 and though she can say lots of words, she has one favorite.. ``não´´´and it doesn´t really matter the conversation, she always responds the same... ``não´´ Do you love me... não. Do you want a treat... não (as she puts out her hand) So Iris is developing a lot of patience and made a beautiful analogy. That at times we are exactly like her two year old daughter. As Heavenly Father stands with His hands outstreached, just willing and ready to offer so many blesings, such a wonderful path to us, we find ourselves saying ``não´´. That for whatever reason we are content living our lives our way. And he just keeps on offering us more.. more chances, more opportunities, more blessings. But that moment when we begin to say ``sim´´, our lives begin to change. We feel His hand in a very real way. 
At least for Iris and Hanahoor, their recent sims have made all the difference in their lives.
And for me, the ``sim´´ decision that I made about a year and a half ago has made all the difference in my life too. I will be forever grateful that I decided to accept the greatest blessing He was just dying to give me. I am a happy girl. 
How great is it to have a Heavenly Father who knows how to plan things out so perfectly. 

Have a great week!!

Sister Lauren

a cute letter from Lauren's former companion!

oii disculpa por não escrever em ingles para vocÊS mais... eu só quero agradecer vocÊs por ter uma filha tão especial como sister lauren, realmente ela é uma das melhores missionarias que esta missão tem... ela é um exemplo muito grande para mim, de como eu devo ser... eu amo muito ela..

e eu não tive a oportunidade de agradecer pelos presentes de natal que vocÊs mandaram para mim... isso foiu muito bonito, cada coisa que ela faz por mim, eu sei que é com muito amor...

muito obrigada por tudo...

amo vocÊs

sister granados 
in english;

hi sorry for not writing in English for all of you more I just want to thank you guys so special to have a daughter as sister lauren, really she is one of the best missionary that this mission has ..she is a great example for me, for how I should be to others... I love her a lot.

I have not had the OPPORTUNITY to thank you for the Christmas presents you sent to me … they are beautiful. thanks for every thing you gave for me , I know and love them a lot ... thank you for everything

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