Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

July 29, 2014- I hate Changes!

Hi family! 

I dont know how much time I will have to write... Long story short, President is guarding the mountain of my and my new companions suitcases and belongings outside of our new house, waiting for the keys, so that we have an opportunity to talk to you guys real quick. 

So... I have been transfered. Two Americans arrived after waiting in America for 1 YEAR for visas. Sooo President transfered me to a new area called Educandario. Sister Farfal and I are shattered. You see, we have lived in the same house for about 5 months and we have been companions for quite some time too. I hate this whole goodbye thing. I thought after saying goodbye to my family, I would be home-free for a while. Oh how wrong I was!! It gets harder every time but I truly feel like I left a part of my heart in Vila Sonia. OUCH. 

But my new companion seems really great. She is American so we already have sooo much common ground. Even though she has already served for a year, she will need help with the language and I hope I can be of assistance. Also, we are opening this area.... I am actually terrifed. I have never done this before, but wish me luck. It will be an adventure at least. 

But, this week (except for the transfer) was so incredible. Last week we were a little bit bummed because the family we have been teaching for quite some time (Wendy, Eduarda and Marcela) did not come to church last week and Eduarda seemed to be backing out of the decision to be baptized. We were confused and a little sad because she initically showed more interest than the rest of her family and already seemed totally involved in young womens and everything. Soo... we were a little desperate for help and we decided to use our new favorite tool: fasting. A few weeks  ago when we had a similiar problem with Gabriela Sister Farfal proposed the fasting idea. I was a little reluctant because fasting is 10x harder here with all the hills we climb and walking we do. 

I asked if fasting was entirely necessary. My argument was this: I mean, we are doing good things and helping lots of people. Our desires are righteous, so I think that a deep, meaningful prayer should be sufficient this time, right? It was then that my comp taught me an important lesson about fasting. When we make large and sometimes pretty discomfortable sacrifices we show God that we love and trust him. We show that we are doing our part and in return we can expect to see miracles in our lives. Sooo I trusted her and we fasted. And, truly, I saw a miracle. Gabriella was baptized and is so so happy now! (SHES GETTING MARRIED TO AN RM!!!!) 

And this week we had another large and very blatant miracle! Right after we began we visited Wendy and fam Eduarda had a complete change of heart! And she and Marcela were baptized and it was almost picture perfect. Almost because Wendy did not quite make it in to the font. Actually, she sobbed the whole meeting and wants to be baptized more than anything. She is just waiting on the approval of her stubborn Japonese husband. Yesterday we visited then and when we walked in Eduarda threw her arms around us and exclaimed ``I am now a Mormon!!!´´ It is just a matter of time before we have the whole family.

Oh funny story.. Remember the annoying African kid named Ademola that we have been teaching. The one who has now been the most frequent attender of the Vila Sonia ward for over 7 months? (we are just waiting on a signature to seal the deal) Well he has been begging us to let him teach with us for quite some time and finally this week we caved. And it was HILARIOUS. First we visited Silvio. Let the interrogating begin... ``you smoke?´´ no. ``you drink´´ no. ``you like black coffee?´´ (he was confusing black tea and coffee) no. ``so... WHY have you not been baptized. WHAT are you waiting on? This church is the very best decision you could ever make!´´
Then, we visited a recent convert named Marcelo. ``How old are you´´ 22. ``Do you have a job´´ No. ``Who do you live her with´´ my mom. ``You are 22, dont work and still live with your mom!! You have got to grow up! You cant rely on your mom for forever!!´´ Soo... let´s just say that we were basically rolling on the ground at this point. Nothing beats getting lectures from an 8-year old. 

Well, I am here in this new area totally heart broken. I wont be able to visit Seth at the temple andddd it is going to be a little more tricky for Katie to make a surprise visit. We dont have walmart, the temple, cobblestones, trees, Panda Express, Sushi, and you should see the grafiti. But it is all good. I will survive. 

Love you all! 

Sister Lauren

Farewell! Sister Farfal
Waiting while the President gets the key to our apartment!

Monday, July 28, 2014

July 28, 2014-NO LETTER FROM LAUREN- a letter from a few ward members!

Sister Neeleman

Your beautiful daughter was transfered tonight she Will go to Taboao da Serra, really Near from SAo Paulo. Educandario Ward. 
She's here now to say goodbye for me. 
She Will say everything to you next Monday. 

Sister Lauren no batismo do meu filho Enzo!
"Sister Lauren at the baptism of my son Enzo!- Luciana Lucci

I believe that, since it had not said anything to him about the visit was not going to talk to him when he went to take the packages at the mission house, who told me about the new areas were leaders in place that work in my ward. not know the location. I will visit and give a report. I understand it is a humble area. Yes she is a coach now, you should be happy because signal that already has mastery of the language and lessons.
your beloved daughter is talking great Portuguese. we have a great love for her our whole family. missed always take care of her as our daughter. carefully.
Leaders of the Zone told me that young sisters are coming from the United States and the President is opening new areas of sisters. I felt that she was sad about the transfer, she told me she wanted to see Katie, cou fix it.
combined with her as soon as she arrived in the new area she sends me the address of the chapel and I'll take Katie there, I will not speak with the president only score with her and spend there. so they can see. Sister Lauren left a package for me to catch on to the mission home and send it to you on the fourth finger feiro and leave it with Katie. Okay. Hugs and can let Katie take care of my daughter as well and she will be very happy here in Brazil.
she wants to ask permission to the President, if he authorize okay if he did not authorize she did not want to break the rule. not to depart from the Spirit. it shows the degree of emotional maturity and spiritual. this occurs when the person is canceled due to a cause.
Paulo Bergoc

Monday, July 21, 2014

July 21, 2014- iron stomache/Danilo

Hi family!

I am happy and well. This week was a little more difficult than others. One reason is because my companion spent a good majority of the week in the bathroom puking her guts out. Two words: food poisoning. Yeahh poor thing. Here is the story: last P-day on our way home from emails we decided to stop at a fast-food, Arabian joint called Habib´s (not as sketchy as it sounds) for a quick snack. This is actually a favorite for missionaries because it is super cheap and very convenient. Soon after, she was all sorts of green and pretty week. Finally, after three days of vomiting, we decided to go to the hopsital. The doctor asked if we had eaten anything out of the ordinary. When we told him Habib´s he imediately said ``say no more. I know exactly what happened. Eat at McDonalds all you want but never eat at that ´porcaria´ again.´´ haha lesson learned. 

Which leads me to my point of gratitude this week... I am grateful for my iron stomache I obtained doing all sorts of things mom would definitely not approve of. Examples include: dumpster diving at Zupas for bread and choclate strawberries (mmmm delish), fish-head curry in leprosy colonies in India, heaps of raw fish in the fish markets of Japan, eating in the house of a random woman (we took a buggie to get there) living among the rice patties in China, lots of whole-in-the-walls in Cambodia, and more recently, drinking the tap water here because I absolutely hate wasting money on bottled water. Sooo see mom? There was a method behind the madness after all! Imunity is imunity in any form!

One night, we were invited to teach the achievment day girls a little about the first vision. I gladly accepted because we have our little 9-yr Marcela to bring. Unfortunately, my companion could not do much teaching. It was an effort to even drag her along in the first place. So I taught and it went well. haha I got a standing ovation actually! One little girl said ``woww!! His words were so beautiful in Portuguese! I can only imagine in English!´´ So I recited his vision in English, too, and they were all sorts of impressed. I loved it, especially because they all reminded me of Jess! 

Anddd, lastly, a little miracle happend this week. After a month of trying, we finally found the boy, Danilo, that we heard about from his sobbing mom. He was the boy who wanted to be baptized when he was 12 but his mom did not give permission, and she has regretted it every day since. He is now 19 and has all sorts of habits that will be hard to break. Buttt, he is still really special. He offered to give the opening prayer, and it was so beautiful. He said ``Heavenly Father, thank you for sending the missionaries into my life again. I am so sorry I have been distant from your church for so long.´´ The lesson went really well. He had lots of questions that have been on his mind for quite some time and he remembered perfectly his spiritual experiences 7 years ago. It will be rough and require a lot of faith and repentance on his part but I really hope he is willing to try. 

This week I learned that God is a god of second chances. 

But, love you all. Por favor pray that we can find new people this week. It has been a rough week of lots of walking/trying to contact referrals and lots of contacts. It can be a little exhausting and discouraging.

Ate Mais!

Sister Lauren
Sorry! my companion is probably a medium in shirts and things. She is short. And she desperately wants clothes. She absolutely loves all of mine. This week she offered to pay you to buy her a few things. haha but she likes chambray type shirts, polka dots, plaid. She likes navy, army, black, grey. These types of colors. Really just not hot pink probably. But she would be thrilled with just a few things from old navy or tjmax. Actually, I would be too because the mission is pretty hard on clothes. 

But I got my packages!!! Thank you so so so much. The polka dot dress is perrrfecttt. This week a member told me that she and her daughter saw me in the streets and said, ´´that is officially the chiciest and most beautiful, put together missionary we have ever seen.´´ haha I feel like I wear a uniform but that was nice anyways! And I have you, entirely to thank!

An annoying boy!

P-Day Adventures

my shoes. thank heavens for packages! the new ones are well needed

 Thank you so so much for everything. I am so so excited to make thai food today. I bought all the vegetagbles necessary at the street market.  

                                                                             last night with this special family

                                                                                     adventures!! 25 de marco



                                                                                       Gabriela´s Baptism!!

                                                                                        lunch with members

                                                                                       Game day and Gabriella

Temple Day

Lucky's replacement until I get home!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

July 17, Today marks the 7 month day!!- I received this letter today! I love LAUREN Updates!

Today I passed by the area of ​​Sister Lauren to see if everything was okay and she is great. gives kisses to everyone and asked to speak who loves you.


Monday, July 14, 2014

July 14, 2014- Wendy & Silvio

Hello Family!!!

It was another wonderful week!! (Well aside from the World Cup. 7-1? Seriously Brazil? Yeah needless to say people here were not very happy.)

But I am seriously so happy. Wanna know why? Remember the incredible family that called us last week and asked us to come back and teach them again after watching the Other Side of Heaven? Well the miracles continued practically every day this week!! 
Last Sunday the two daughters, Eduarda and Marcela went to church. Wendy did not go because she was sick, and probably her husband was not to thrilled with the whole church idea. He is a wealthy, closed off Japonese man that believes he does not need religion. But Eduarda and Marcela visited and absolutely loved it! And everybody loved them too!! They have bright, sweet countenances and all the members recognized that they are super special. One day gave a lesson about repentance and forgiveness and Wendy began to cry. She told us her emotional story. I guess she was abandoned by her birth mother when she was a baby. She was raised by another woman but by the age of 14 she was totally on her own. After years of struggles and two daughters, she miraculously found a man who was willing to take her and her two daughters in. He is a little controlling and closed off to religion, but they have a beautiful family and I can feel that his heart is softening a little already. She emotionally told us how she has carried a grudge against her birth mother for her entire life and she just wants to be free. We made her a promise that if she and her daughters would read the Book of Mormon every day as a family and pray together for guidance, she could feel the miracle of forgiveness begin to work in her own life and heart. 

Sooo, we returned the next day and she was all sorts of excited to tell us that they had read the first three chapters of Nephi and even talked about the things they were reading!! THENN she told us that she has decided to stop drinking alcohol and she is working to cut back/stop drinking coffee. But the interesting thing is, we have not even taught the Word of Wisdon yet! But she heard that Mormons have a different code of conduct regarding our health so she did some research, liked what she found, and decided to put it into practice. She is beginning to change her life simply because she feels like it is the right thing to do! THENNNN this week guess who showed up at church?! Yep WENDY and her daughters. I guess yesterday she was trying to decide whether to go or not and her cynical husband asked ``hey, weren´t you planning to go to church today?´´ She explained that she did not know because she did not want to be late and she did not have anything to wear and she was a little nervous. And he said, ``you should go! I´ll watch Aya (3 yr. daughter). You need this!´´ He did not visit, (yet) but Wendy was so excited because he approved of her going andddd he almost made a visit himself! 

Oh I am so happy! I truly feel like Wendy and her family have been prepared for this message for quite some time. Turns out they all have lots of member friends. For quite some time they have been meeting members of the church and have noticed a difference. They have craved to have what we have, and I just feel so lucky that we are the missionaries that can help them put all the puzzle pieces together. 

On a little bit more of a sad note, I had a moment this week that I am almost sure I will never forget. Remember Silvo, the man who took care of his mom for 20 years and finally made a visit at church the other week and absolutely loved it? The one who came to our first lesson with a list of 20 questions: all of which corresponding perfectly with one of our lessons. The one who basically read the entire Book of Mormon and our pamplets about 10 times each? Well, things got so much worse in his house. He has family members who heard lots of lies and absolutely hate the church. They are ruthless and terrible. And Silvio has lived 20 years without friends or really a life at all, and does not have a backbone or the confidence to continue to fight against his brothers. So this week we had a lesson and he burst into tears as he told us that right now the church simply is not an option in his life. We told him that we could continue to visit from time to time to make sure he was okay. 

He told us that while he would like that very much, when we visit the pain is almost excruciating. Because he wants, more than anything in the whole world, the message we have at our finger tips. He said that it is as if he is starving in the dessert and we are presenting a huge, beautiful feast with everything and anything he could ever ask for. But as much as he tries, what we have to offer is just a little bit out of reach. I never knew how much influence this message. I never knew that people would give everything. Literally everything to have the knowledge, direction and peace that we take for granted everyday. But I am learning, and I hope I will never forget that we are seriously so so blessed. 

So family and friends, just never forget. Do something today to revive your faith and help another along this path. Because the results are seriously wonderful. One of the most interesting paradoxes in life is that we can never help another without helping ourselves in the process. 

Love you all!
Boa Semana!

Sister Lauren

Monday, July 7, 2014

July 7, 2014- I believe in Miracles!

Hello Family!!! 

I will admit that this week was a little harder than usual to be away with two birthdays and one of the best holidays ever celebrated. Butttt next year we need to plan something excellent to make up for lost time. 
JD--HAPPY 13th to my very favorite new teenager. How handsome and grown up are you looking these days! This year I miss our adventures and inside jokes. I miss hearing the 6th grade drama and watching you play your heart out in whatever sport you happen to be playing. You are such a stud. 
KATIE-- Who needs a best friend when I have a sister like you. Dependable and strong. So organized. You win the award for writing me all the time just to tell me the happenings. Thank you for teaching me constantly, usually through your example. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that I am the older sister because I have so much to learn from you. I cant wait to just laugh and laugh, stay up late talking and have secret dessert dates again. 

AMERICA-- I miss ya. a lot. Brazil is great and all but no other country in the world will ever take your place in my heart. Costco, fireworks, parades, mountains, national parks, autumn, winter, spring, summer, smores, Boston, San Diego, Washington DC. There is a reason that everyone here sports the stars and stripes on T-shirts, flip flops, phone cases, sun glasses. And the constant reminders always make me very proud and a little sad. But, America, my darling, I will be back in a short 11. 

Butttt absence makes the heart grow stronger so it´s all good!

Tributes aside, this week was incredible and oh so full of miracles! GABRIELA WAS BAPTIZED!! And it was oh so beautiful! We spent lots of time with her to firm up her decision to be baptized and make sure she did not chicken out. On friday we had a marathon day with her. We watched the futebol game annddd CHARLYY!! President gave us permisison, reasoning that anything goes to make a baptism happen. Yep that´s right, my first movie in almost 7 months aned it was so so good. Sister Farfal and I were laughed and cried and basically loved our lives for the whole hour and a half. Halfway through the movie we realized that we were definitely enjoying it way more than her. We missionaries are strange creatures. 
And then, guess who made a visit.... Gabriela´s new boyfriend. Yeah I was a little shocked too because they only met a few weeks ago at church and he snatched her up in 2 seconds flat. But he is a pretty good guy. Returned missionary, successful, and temple marriage matieral. They are very found of eachother and he is basically the very best follow up we could dream of. 

And, Gabriela´s very Jewish, very closed off mom even came to the baptism. She came all gussied up and was just happy that Gabriela was happy. Ahh Gabriela just gloweeddd! 

But the miracles dont stop here! 

Last week we met a 14 year old boy named Victor. his mom was baptized some time ago but he never had much contact with the church. But we taught him this week and he expressed his desire to be baptized. We marked him for baptism for next weekend but we realized that with transfers we probably would not be working in two wards for long. Yeahhh no way we were going to give that sort of wrapped and ready present to the Elders!  So we challeged him to be baptized on Saturday with Gabriela. And, he accepted! He too, was so so happy and so excited about this new journey he is beginning. 

Remember the family I talked about a few weeks ago.. Three little girls a great mom and Japonese dad. We were so so excited about this. And then, for about two weeks we tried to find them at home after our second lesson without success. So... the member who gave us the referral thought we may have offended them and told us not to come back until she figured out what was happening. So we waited and waitied. And after about a month we totally lost hope. Then we were eating lunch and we recieved a call from no other than the mom, Wendy!! She asked us why we had not visited her for so long and asked if we could come by that very minute. Yes maám! So we visited and she explained that she and her daughters were looking for a movie to watch and they found The Other Side of Heaven. They did not know but it turned out to be a movie about Mormon missionaries. Sooo they missed us and looked everywhere for our number and called us right up. What!? This never happens! This family is very special and we are so excited. We have to be sensitive with her husband but I learned this week that when someone is prepared for this message nothing can stop them from learning. When we put our faith in Heavenly Father, he will always prepare a way. 

And this just in, I will be staying in Vila Sonia for at least another 6 weeks! Yay!! I love the members and we always have so many miracles here! Have a great week! Enjoy the pool, sun, and relaxation. Lucky ducks. 

Com amor, 

Sister Lauren

P.S. ohh also, I was thinking that summer clothes are about to go on sale there. And I am in desperate need. Turns out Brazil does not really have a winter because it is still blazing hot here and I am starting to feel like I wake up every morning and put on my uniform. haha. I will probably end up putting together a box of winter clothes to send home with David. But if you find some light, flowy shirts and skirts I would just be so happy. I love the navy one from the loft and my floral skirts, and white light weight shirts. I know it is boring and totally sister missionary but we die of heat! 

Hi mom!! thanks for your letter!! I got your other in the mail too so thank you! And I did get the package with the bags for the other girls. I was just waiting for the mission office to move to my area to deliver them. But now that the office moved I will drop off the packages tomorrow and I am sure the other sister will just adore them! It was such a wonderful idea!  And I am still in this area until at least middle of August! Sooo I will definitely visit Seth! I will bring a treat or something as soon as I find out when his P day will be. Ahhh it will be so great!! Have a great week with little Jess!

Love you! I am excited for my red white and blue package!! 
