Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27, 2014-It's a Wonderful ride!

Hi Family!

It was a good but very long week. We worked hard! My throbbing feet and eyes that simply won´t stay open are proof of this!  But today we have a chance to rest and get all ready for another work-filled week. What a blessing! 

We worked so hard to find new people and commit the ones we have to baptism. We ended up creating goals for baptism with 11 people this week! Our chapel is still being remodled so we promised them a ride to the stake center with members. Yeahh not a good idea. We basically called the ward list and it was like pulling teeth. The problem is, sometimes it is hard for people to remember that we neeed the help of members here or we simply can´t do anything... or antyhing of lasting value at least. But then again members probably say that the problem with us missionaries is that we forget that they have actual very busy lives. I guess we can all be a little more helpful and understanding. 

That being said, we met a woman who is not of our faith (or any established religion actually) but oh so very Christian. In our first contact in the streets, she asked us to visit her, told us she would love to know more about the church and even offered us a ride! When we stopped by her house, she was trying to get ready and was in a super time crunch but invited us in, and in the 5 minues we spend with heroffered us juice, cake, marked a visit with us for another day and invited us to dinner! Then she explained she was running out the door to give a ride to a pastora from another faith that she met in the streets! I was humbled to think that this wonderful woman, Ana Lúcia truly enderstands the invitation to go about doing good. She radiates peace and happiness and reminds me that there are still wonderful people in the world. I am already so excited to go back and continue to learn from her loving example. I hope we can teach her something as well! 

This week we got the opportunity to work at our little ``temple square´´ talking to people and trying to show off the crown jewel of our church with anyone and everyone who would listen. We get lots of referrals and taught a few lessons in the temple. We met a man from Vila Sonia and talked a little bit about our church. He loved the peace he felt there and even acceped the challenge to be baptized! Pretty cool. 

Also, I had the priviledge to see a few of my very favorite irmãs from Vila Sonia: Raquel, Larissa and Zuleika! It was so so wonderful to see them! Raquel brought some halloween treats and took us to a cute little bakery near by for lunch! Zuleika and Larissa brought some incredible (just like home!!) cupcakes and a bag filled with other goodies-- lays, oreos, apples, ceral bars etc. It was so wonderful to see them and to spend a minute or two reminiscing about the many blessings I have recieved here in Brazil in the form of people. I am learning a much broader and deeper meaning of the word family and I am excited to continue to apply the things I learn here, principally how to love and be loved, for the rest of my life. 

Speaking of, this week I had a really special interview with president. We reflected a little bit on the mission experience and he asked me a profound question... ``do you think that you could have had the same kind of experiences at home or grown in the same ways at home?`` I thought about the people I have met here: investigators, members, companions. I thought about the opportunity I have had to make a lasting impact in lives and families, and also I thought about the differences I have seen and felt in myself in this short time.
 I won´t lie and say that it is easy to leave home or work every single day doing the same kind of things. It is not simply a foreign vacation. Or a blissful fairytale as some missionary letters would imply. but a mission is the best choice I have ever made. I am grateful for every experience and every precious son or daughter of Heavenly Father that I have been able to meet, teach and learn from. 

It is a wonderful ride. 

Have a great week! Make good use of your time, whatever you may be doing. Time is the greatest gift we have!

Sister Lauren

Saturday, October 25, 2014

October 24, 2014- A surprise from a member in Brazil today!

They are working hard today in front of the Temple.

Raquel M Pacheco Frederico
Assistente Executiva

Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20, 2014- Door knocking, Dumbells, and Miracle of the Moedas

Hi Family!! 

I hope the week was wonderful! 

We worked hard. Real hard. To compensate for the Deusa let down we did everything we could think of the find new investigators including knock doors! (hey JD, remember that time  you got all bummed thinking that missionaries don´t knock doors anymore? Don´t worry! It is still a tactic!) Actually, it turned out to be quite successful. The second door we knocked said ``hi! You teaching about Jesus. Come right in!´´ I thought it had to be one of two things... eleita or all ready to bible bash. But, she showed a lot of interest and we had a really good lesson! 

Last night we were visiting our recent convert, Thaty, and her friend passed by. Turns out she has already talked to the missionaries years ago but at the time was not ready. But, she just suffered a divorce and is trying to find new meaning to life. There was absolutely no power so we had to light some candles for light. We ended up teaching a really wonderful lesson. The spirit was so strong and we left Thaty and this woman Luana sobbing! I want to teach by candle light more often! 

We have been teaching a 17 year old girl named Mayara for a while. She actually has already visited church lots of times but the problem is she studies and works sooo much that it is difficult to find her home during the week. But this week we found her at home one morning we found her home and marked her for baptism November 8th! (my birthday!!) We actually began teaching her brother, Mateus too and if all goes as planned the two of them will make my birthday oh so much better! 

Also, this week we began a hard core exercise program. Why? Because one sister in the house is going home soon and wants to get all ready for the provo grind. And my companion has only been here 2 months and has already gained 12 pounds. Yikes. So I have now taken up responsibility to be their personal trainers. You best believe I am making good use of the many exercise books mom has sent as well as what I can remember from my gym time with Lisa. We found some old rusting bar bells and put them to good use. Lots of push ups, wall sits, ab ripper x etc. Basically we have died all week while climing the massive hills here in Cotia but I told them it is a price we have to be willing to pay! haha 

One one more thing... The miracle of the moedas... This week we were on our way to lunch and realized we had like zero money for our ticket back.. We counted our coins three times and every time we just did not have enough. We even took a picture because we thought the situation was humerous. Then, on the ride back we counted again, hopping the man would accept a pass-a-long card as part of the passagem, and guess what? WE HAD ENOUGH! actually more than enough! Heavenly Father is mindful of us... down to the cent. 

There are sooo many more things I could include, but maybe next week they will make the cut! Love you and miss you all! 

Have a wonderful week!

Sister Lauren
9 Months celebration!


                                                                               Simeon our african friend

                                                                         jasmine and family/ baptism


                                                                                       miracle of the moedas

A side note from one of Lauren's companions blogs;

Other weekly news includes the fact that three of the four of us have started to do real life exercise in the morning times. Sister S started panicking when she realized that missionary life has a very large potential to leave us unable to use the clothes that we brought with us, and Sister L conveniently has P90X Ab Ripper something or other memorized. In other words, Sister L became our personal trainer and I am embarrassed to say that the last time my body hurt so much was after I had run a marathon. You know, when you run for four hours straight. This is half an hour a day, and I am dying. The good news is that I still have a good few months before I return to my mountainous homeland.

Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014- 10 months out!-Mission: A microcosom for life

Hi family!

I hope the week was wonderful for you! This week made for lots of reflections and goals for the future. 

A highlight was Jasmin´s baptism!!!! The little 9-year old that is part of the less active family we were visiting. President was nice enough to give us permission to visit Educandario and it was such a wonderful day! Thanks to mom, I had a cute little present to give her and she absolutely loved it! And she was just glowing. She and her family actually! Edson, her dad, baptize her!!! and gave a wonderful talk about baptism and the gift of the holy ghost. He thanked her for reminding him of his own baptism and the convenants he made there. Then her mom gave a wonderful, heartfelt prayer and thanked God for sending the missionaries to bless her family and remind them of the important things. After we laughed and hugged and they were sooooo happy that I visited. They told me that they were dying to see me and planning to visit my ward here in Cotia! They also told me that they keep the picture of our family in their living room!! (thanks mom again mom) Oh it is so good to know that I was able to get to know and help this wondeful family in such a profound way!

Also, on a more sad note, we had to drop one of our strongest investigators Deusa, yesterday. She simply does not want to change or make covenants and so as hard as it is to say good bye, we can´t waste the Lord´s time when there are so many people out there ready and waiting. But it was a powerful lesson- so powerful that she began to cry- we expressed out love, and more importantly the Lord´s love for her and told her that we would be ready and waiting to help her at any moment. It was sad... yes... But I realized at this moment that I am becoming a seasoned missionary. This that used to be impossibly hard are doable as I put my trust in the Lord and His timming. 
My companion is new to this whole rough moments thing still so I talked her through it and expressed my faith and trust in the Lord and his ability to touch hearts in a way that we simply can´t. I made her snickerdoodles, we relaxed our aching feet in steaming water and put on face masks. I got her to laugh by telling her that never again will she be super sad about a relationship gone bad. She will simply say ``it´s all good. You have my number, call if you change your mind. In the meantime I will be finding eleitos.´´ 

But I am grateful in the life experience I am getting here. I am grateful that God uses us to bless the lives of His children. I am grateful for the profound love we can feel for people we barely know as we labor to help them. And I am grateful and that even when people don´t accept our message, he shows his love and appreciation for our work through the spirit. 

Ohhh and I think we will be able to mark Edilson and Angela for baptism and casamento!! Please pray for them to have courage to take this important step in their lives, but I think after lots of exposure to the gospel and dozens of missionaries, they are finally ready!

Love you!

Sister Lauren
I HATE Good byes- Sister Wood

                                          look who... SISTER VALENTE!! she is a total babe! all ready to go home!

                                                                      Paulinhos family/ Sister Santos (companion)

                                                                                             conferencia geral

                                                          we found a place that I think you will love. so very touristy

                                                              what happens when the sisters try to do my hair…

                                                           Edmilson other sisters

                                                    my favorite family in Vila Sonia!!

                           another baptism in the ward! I gave her a necklace and she loved it!

Friday, October 10, 2014

October 10, 2014

my dear, look who I went to visit this morning. She is very well and happy. brought Cheese Bread, baked with cinnamon and bananas for breakfast them. I'm sending one and it was the home for you. she is fine and I think in another week I'll invite her to lunch at my house. because we live very close to her house. 
Regards. Paulhino

Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6. 2014-A family we will marry and baptize!

Hi family! 

It was a long week getting to know the area: streets, members, investigators, etc. My companion is great. A short little firecracker from Recife. Actually, she has only been here on the mission for 6 weeks now, so technically I am training her. But it is kind of a humorous and and strange experience to be training a girl who already knows the area and everything. But I guess it keeps us both humble. I loved conference, but especially loved Elder Bednar´s talk about the little boy with the band aids and cream. He had a desire to help his little brother, and while he did not know exactly what to do, he knew he needed to do something and he did his very best. Sometimes I feel like that little boy. We have lots of tools, and a great desire, and we just got to do what we can and rely on the help of the Lord!

We are teaching a few people who seem to have a lot of potential, and we are on the prowl for some novos as well. There is won pretty wonderful girl named Thaty who was baptized last week. She is 28 or so and soo excited. She met the missionaries and gave her address and waited anxiously for an entire week becoming more heartbroken everyday thinking that the missionaries were not going to visit. And when the finally did she was so happy!! She quickly accepted the message to be true and good, made the neccessary changes in her life, and was baptized within a matter of weeks. This week we took her, and a friend we are teaching, Deusa, to the temple and she loved it! We spent a few minutes in the waiting room and invited them to say personal prayers there and they both just bean to sob. It was very spiritual! 

Also, we are teaching a family that seems like a present from heaven. The son found the church 4 years ago when he was 17 and got baptized. He went on to serve a mission and while at first his parents were reluctant, the began to be really supportive when the saw the difference in their son. They need to get married but were waiting until this son got back from his misison. But now that he is back, they are excited to marry and I am thinking they will get baptized pretty soon too. They love the missionaries and take really good care of us!

And for the funny moment (or traumatizing, the choice is yours), one night I was already for bed and just writing in my journal, minding my own business, I began to see something moving under my blanket. I told my self to stay calm and that I could handle a coakroach. I slowly got out of bed and lifted my covers. You will never believe what I found... **mom stop reading** A MOUSEEEEE Yeah a horrifying moment I will never forget. I squealed a little and managed to tell my roommates what I had seen. And then it was all over. Yelling, squealing, crying. It was truly a bagunça if I have ever seen one. Needless to say, that night I did not sleep well. At all. I woke up every 10 minutes from terrifying dreams in which rats were crawling all over me. I think one night I even woke up to myself yelling. 
But mom, you can relax because this house is actually so so clean and very fancy compared to the other places I have passed through. I have complete confidence that it won´t happen again. But it makes for a great story and an unforgettable night.

We are teaching some other pretty great people and I am sure we will find even more this week. Life continues after transfers! Love you all. Thanks for the support

Sister Lauren
                                                                                         temple trip

                                         a pretty poor part of educandario. we have so much to be grateful for

                                                                              a family we will marry and baptize!

CELEBRATE!!! 9 month package

Training class at Zone Conference

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Conference- Message from Paulihno!!!

my dear, I have to share this experience I had today to attend general conference. My daughter Agatha was attended conference there next to Sister Lauren. At the end of the broadcast, I was talking with some friends and after talking with them I find with my family to take a picture with Sister Lauren. when I asked my daughter Lauren was where she said to me: "She was making contact near the chapel here and invite others to come and see the conference, unlike the others that are out there taking sunning and laughing." What joy I felt in my heart to hear this, I could feel in my heart that she is really dedicated to the work of Salvafor, CONGRATULATIONS to you for what you have taught your daughter, my wife and I were very happy. tomorrow will be all day in Chapel because of conferences and invite her to lunch with us in the chapel you have SKYPE? sends the name of someone who can send some pictures of it for you. look at the experience and the sweet spirit that I felt showed me how his BELOVED DAUGHTER grown and how it serves. Lord only.

Paulo Bergoc