Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6. 2014-A family we will marry and baptize!

Hi family! 

It was a long week getting to know the area: streets, members, investigators, etc. My companion is great. A short little firecracker from Recife. Actually, she has only been here on the mission for 6 weeks now, so technically I am training her. But it is kind of a humorous and and strange experience to be training a girl who already knows the area and everything. But I guess it keeps us both humble. I loved conference, but especially loved Elder Bednar´s talk about the little boy with the band aids and cream. He had a desire to help his little brother, and while he did not know exactly what to do, he knew he needed to do something and he did his very best. Sometimes I feel like that little boy. We have lots of tools, and a great desire, and we just got to do what we can and rely on the help of the Lord!

We are teaching a few people who seem to have a lot of potential, and we are on the prowl for some novos as well. There is won pretty wonderful girl named Thaty who was baptized last week. She is 28 or so and soo excited. She met the missionaries and gave her address and waited anxiously for an entire week becoming more heartbroken everyday thinking that the missionaries were not going to visit. And when the finally did she was so happy!! She quickly accepted the message to be true and good, made the neccessary changes in her life, and was baptized within a matter of weeks. This week we took her, and a friend we are teaching, Deusa, to the temple and she loved it! We spent a few minutes in the waiting room and invited them to say personal prayers there and they both just bean to sob. It was very spiritual! 

Also, we are teaching a family that seems like a present from heaven. The son found the church 4 years ago when he was 17 and got baptized. He went on to serve a mission and while at first his parents were reluctant, the began to be really supportive when the saw the difference in their son. They need to get married but were waiting until this son got back from his misison. But now that he is back, they are excited to marry and I am thinking they will get baptized pretty soon too. They love the missionaries and take really good care of us!

And for the funny moment (or traumatizing, the choice is yours), one night I was already for bed and just writing in my journal, minding my own business, I began to see something moving under my blanket. I told my self to stay calm and that I could handle a coakroach. I slowly got out of bed and lifted my covers. You will never believe what I found... **mom stop reading** A MOUSEEEEE Yeah a horrifying moment I will never forget. I squealed a little and managed to tell my roommates what I had seen. And then it was all over. Yelling, squealing, crying. It was truly a bagunça if I have ever seen one. Needless to say, that night I did not sleep well. At all. I woke up every 10 minutes from terrifying dreams in which rats were crawling all over me. I think one night I even woke up to myself yelling. 
But mom, you can relax because this house is actually so so clean and very fancy compared to the other places I have passed through. I have complete confidence that it won´t happen again. But it makes for a great story and an unforgettable night.

We are teaching some other pretty great people and I am sure we will find even more this week. Life continues after transfers! Love you all. Thanks for the support

Sister Lauren
                                                                                         temple trip

                                         a pretty poor part of educandario. we have so much to be grateful for

                                                                              a family we will marry and baptize!

CELEBRATE!!! 9 month package

Training class at Zone Conference

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