Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26, 2015- O Templo and a baptism

Hi Family!!

I am great! It was another weeks of ups and downs, miracles and mishaps. Just the missionary life full of lots of opportunities to learn and grow. 

First, Anglela was baptized!! It was such a beautiful day! She just glowed. But it was also bitter sweet because Edilson decided that he was not ready to be baptized. I am still not sure, exactly, why, because does not have problems with any of the commandments and I know that he knows this is the right decision for him. We went the baptism in the spirit of fasting and prayer, hoping that someone would say something to touch his heart. President came, actually, and I am certain that his words were inspired... 

There is a sister on the mission, Sister Borges whose dad was baptized recently and so they could finally be sealed. So the family came to São Paulo and President gave permission for them to enter in the temple together for this precious day. After wards, Sister Borges got back to work but her family spent the day with President so they went to the baptism! And President invited the dad to speak about his experience. Tearfully, he told about his conversion process and pleaded with Edilson to think seriously about this decision. Then President invited Edilson to say a prayer and offered to ``sin´´ explaining that even though São Paulo is completely out of water, he is willing to come back to Cotia and fill the font one more time in the near future if he recieves a ´´yes.´´
His two sons pleaded with their dad to think seriously about this decision and we sang the EFY medly together. It was an incredible baptism. 
So, family, if you could, pretty please, pray for Edilson to have the faith and courage neccessary to accept the invitation. And fast. Because it may be selfish but I just really want to be there...

In other news, remember that wonderful family we found that even knelt to pray and followed along anxiously?! Well they turned cold this week. Real cold. As of now, they are deciding between our church and some other that screams and chants and talks, non stop about money. And want to know the interesting thing? A few weeks ago, before we even found them, Maria had a dream that she was walking, a lone, on a path filled with churches. It was a dark night and she wanted, desperately, to find the right church. She approached the first two and they were both locked and dead bolted. She even saw her friends from the other church but they wouldn´t come to the door. Finally, she walked a little more and found another church. Different from the others... huge and full of light. As she approached, the doors opened. She entered and felt more light and joy than ever before. 

She told us that she is only trying to find that church! So we read Lehi´s dream and told her to think about how she feels with us. We talked about the light the gospel brings. We bore our heartfelt testimonies and pleaded with her to think this through. And then Sunday, she did not show up at church. We went to get her and guess what we found... a man laying in her bed. Have I mentioned that free agency makes me crazy? Well it does. The only good thing is, at least maybe I will make smarter choices after metting people that simply don´t understand, try as we may; I guess I am learning a little about How God feels when we make dumb choices. 

This week we worked at the temple again and I had a really special moment. We were outside beackoning people to come in when we saw a man with his arms full of gardening items... a rake and such... As he passed the temple he seemed mesmerized. We introduced ourselves and asked if he would like to enter and see the temple grounds. He got super excited and said, absolutely!! Turns out, he is a gardener and for a long time he has been fixated with the temple gardens. Every time he passes he takes pictures from the gates and sends them to all his gardener friends. People who, like him, appreciate a good plant. He entered looking like a child on Christmas morning. He was just giddy!! He proceeded to take pictures of EVERY plant telling us all the names. ALL the names. At the end of the tour he thanked us saying that he loved, loved, loved the visit.
For maybe the first time in my life I recognized the pure beauty that exists in our temples. The gardens are emaculate, full of colors and textures. In every sense they represent the love our Heavenly Father has for us. He loves us so much that he wants our lifes, also to be filled with all the wonderful things life has to offer. In closing I´d like to share one of my favorite quotes of the week...
 Temples are an expression of God’s love. He invites us all to come, learn of Him, feel His love, and receive the priesthood ordinances necessary for eternal life with Him. Each covenant is made one by one. Every mighty change of heart matters to the Lord. And yours will make all the difference to you. For as we go to His holy house, we can be “armed with [His] power, … [His] name … upon [us], … [His] glory … round about [us], and [His] angels have charge over [us].”5

So go to the temple this week! Maybe for family home evening. I guess it is winter there, but imagine beautiful, emaculate gardens and think of me. And more importantly, think of Heavenly Father. He is pretty great. 


Sister Lauren
                                                                                   reading the mission gossip

                                                                                          president´s house

                                                                           Angela and Emerson (a missionary son)

Monday, January 19, 2015

January 19, 2015- Weddings and things!

Hi family!

This week was oh so much better. No hospital visits. No sleepovers at President´s house. Just a lot of hard work. A LOT of sun. Ohh and a really special/eventful wedding. 

So, we are continuing to teach the woman, Célia, that we met a few weeks ago. She has three sons ages 18, 15, and 12. The two older ones are being typical, stubborn teenagers, but Tom, the 12-year old is darling and oh so interested. We are also teaching Célia´s best friend, Maria and if all goes right, the three of them (Célia, Tom and Maria) should be baptized January 31st. These women are incredible!! And our lessons are always so special. We apresented the Book of Mormon and they were so so happy! Actually now they don´t go anywhere without them. In all of our lessons they sit with their books all ready to be opened and read at any time. And yesterday in Sacrament Meeting they waited for names they recognized like Alma or Mosiah opened quickly looking for the right part to follow along. Their enthusiasm is darling. 
Maria told us that her mom died when she was a little girl. She does not remember much about her but still misses her daily. She loves our message because it contains the promise that she can see her mom again. One day we finshed our lesson and began to pray. As I finished the pray I realized that Maria had slipped to her knees during the prayer and we were there sitting on the couch. Yikes... Love when the investigator reaches a higher level of spirituality than the missionary... 
And Tom... he is just my favorite. His smile is endearing and he knows everyone on his street. We invited them to Angela and Edilson´s wedding and Maria and Celia were reluctant, but Tom wanted to go so much that he showed up at the chapel with a little friend. They helped us serve and clean tables the whole night!! Tom has also taken it upon himself to invite all of his little friends not only to church but also to be baptized! Already a missionary!
And the wedding.... So it was a really pretty night. Really it was. Joyce helped us with decorations and lots of families brought food. Angela even bought a white dress. We made beautiful invitations, centerpieces and even parting gifts. Only one minor difficulty... the bishops speech went a tad too long, the groom locked his knees and got really sick. So much so that he ended up vomiting on his new bride´s even newer dress and fainted right on the spot.. I think it is one of those things that will be a lot funnier here in a few years... But at least it gave Edilson a chance to experience the power of the priesthood first hand. He recieved lots of blessings and one member of the ward even offered the shirt of his back. A bonding moment for sure. 

So yep, an eventful week. These last two weeks will be super hectic. Lots to do. Ivan is still having lots of problems with the word of wisdom. I HATE cigarettes. and alcohol too. I am convinced they are some of the devil´s favorite tools. João still needs to break up with his girlfriend officially.I am trying real hard to be patient... Joyce and Alexandre created a family mission plan including lots of goals for how they will strengthen their family and help with missionary work.ex. Giving Book of Mormons, teaching with us, Family Home evenings. And Alexandre found some old manuals in the church library and he has already finished them all. He now quotes Ezra Taft Benson and Joseph Fielding Smith on a daily basis.

So, all in all, a great week to be a missionary. Hard but good. I am happy and well and send my love!

Boa Semana,

Sister Lauren

did you get your birthday video? Paulinho called me all worried that I did not mention your bithday! haha he thought I forgot

We went to the very cutest place last weekend!! sister Frandsen and another sister living with us are going home so they wanted to buy lots of stuff for their families. It is a street fair called Embú das artes and it is wonderful. Can´t wait to show you !!


1. My ear is much better. Still a little annoying but I am able to work normally so I am happy. 

2. I am great with that plan. I told the elders in the office to email you or mom.  They haven´t yet? They have never done this before and so they were a little confused. But the church headquarters buys the tickes.  I will call them again today. But if they don´t respond, their email is.... There is an English speaking elder there so it should work out okay. 

3. And I was just a little worried that Katie would leave for a mission and we wouldn´t get the Indian experience together. But I think one week is pretty short. The church history sites could be really cool!! Would we rent an RV? Maybe that would be better. I just really want to be together with everyone. 

I will be thinking about presents and things we can do. It will be a very special trip. I am excited!

                                                                          new years day. The streets were EMPTY

   the car broke down on the side of the road. That friendly man gave us water and gospel music to endure the wait!

                                                                                     She LOVED her clothes!!

                                                                           this DARLING place I will take you to

                                                                                         center pieces!!

                                                                                                    the bride!!

                                                                                      before the barf incident..

Jessica and Chris??? How did this happen?

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

January 14, 2014

I just found this on Facebook today from a friend of Lauren's in Brazil!!!! I never thought I would love Facebook, but it is awesome for a missionary mom!;

Querida Irmã sou Grata por conhecer Sister Lauren, ela e muito querida e amável, cuidarei dela com muito amor, esperamos que estejam bem
Com amor,
Isabel Oliveira.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

January 12, 2015- Sick days!

Hi family! 

Well, this week was just full of adventures. Maybe not the kind I will want to repeat (ever) in my life, but at least these pages of my journal will be nice and complete. And I will have something to tell my kids about. Just make it to the end of this email because it may seem as if I am complaining, but I promise I am not. There is a moral behind this story!! 

So my ear is still totally annoying. This whole week I took pretty strong antibiotics exactly as the doctor recommended. Remember when I used to have an iron stomach? Yeah not anymore... With all this medicine the smell of raw meat makes me queasy. One morning was especially bad, but we had already planned to learn to make Coxhinas with a recent convert and she was so excited!! We could not back out. So I said a little prayer and we went on our way. Coxhinas are made with shredded chicken and lots of oil so as she taught I tried to seem interested, asking lots of questions and such. Just about the moment when I told her I would impress my  future dates how to make coxhinas and thanked her for helping me with my post-mission dating life, I ran outside and began to puke. I came back in and pretended like nothing was happening. The other sisters managed to ask a member to pick us up and take us home because the thought of taking a van was painful, but with the motion of the car I once again started puking. Only this time out of his window. Imagine the sight... me up-chucking out the window as we whipped through the favelas. All the kids gathered around, probably thinking that I was dying. Sister Frandsen tried to help by finding napkins but when that didn´t work she ended handing me pass-a-long cards to clean my face. Yeahh. Not my brightest moment. 

Anyway, the antibiotics ended and my pain was stronger than ever. I hopped it would pass and tried to go on with our daily activities. Sunday morming we had lots of people at church and I tried to keep my self busy integrating everyone. Until I finally could not stand it. Not to mention, I was not really hearing out of one ear. I called Sister Del Guerso in panic and she told me to come to São Paulo immediately. We went straight to the hospital and a specialist chiseled out dried blood and pus. Let´s just say, it was not the most pleasant of experiences. Good news... I no longer cry when I see a needle!! I barely even cringe actually..  I am growing up. Long story short, we ended up returning home (President´s home) at 11 PM. But, how many missionaries have this opportunity?! To spend the night and eat breakfast in presidents home?! Quite the experience if I do say so myself... 

So, for the moral of the story... I could not help but feel a little frusterated this week. We have so much to do. Currently we are planning a wedding and teaching lots of people with big potential and even bigger problems. They all need our help! And I felt like I was letting everyone down and not doing my very best  because I was not feeling great. I expressed this to Sister Frandsen and she said something I will never forget... ``God created your body. He knows, better than anyone, your weaknesses. He knows that you are not perfect and he still called you to do his work. Do your best and he will compensate for the rest.´´ Inspired words that I was needing. 

So, whereever you are and however incapable you may feel, just keep going. Do your best, don´t get discouraged, focus on the good, and let everything work out how God wants it to be. And I will try to do the same. God is good and he helps us. 
Mom, don´t worry. I am being taken care of and already feel much better. One day i will laugh about this. 
 On a side note, Alexandre recieved the priesthood and is now preparing, ever so earnestly, his names for the temple! He loves this family history stuff! This week he spent most of his time off on and is now quoting Thomas S. Monson on a daily basis. I love our recent converts!
love you all,

Sister Lauren

p.s. Happy birthday mom!! Have a wonderful trip! I love you! I sent a card but it probably won´t arrive for a little while...

Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5, 2015- Ano Novo #2!

Hi family!! Feliz Ano Novo!

Sorry I am writing a little late! We were hanging out at the president´s house! There was a contest in the mission, and the zone who baptized the most got breakfast!! There are some definite perks to being in Cotia.

My second new year´s eve here in Brazil was even better than the first. Unfortunately, I didn´t dress in all white, parading the streets. But we did something even better!! With president´s permission, we hosted a sleepover with 8 sisters that work nearby!! We made tacos, brownies and ice cream. We danced a lot. First the Brazilians taught us clumsy Americans the Samba... Yeah it probably was not super pretty. Then we taught them that classic efy dance. guns, guns, lasso laso. Yeah that one. After a year here in Brazil I am starting to wonder if our culture is the strange one?! haha

Then, we watched maleficent (also with President´s permission. He might be the coolest) ate popcorn and at midnight we watched the fireworks on top of our house. We all sang and danced to some columbian song about the new year. It was magical and unforgettable.

It was also a week of miracles and very special moments.
Ivan was traveling with his family but returned and we were so excited. As expected, he ended up drinking and smoking quite a bit on his trip but has decided that he is officially done and will try to be a new Ivan in this new year. To help with this resolution, we brought a woman from the ward that was an alcoholic until the missionaries knocked on her door 19 years ago. With their help she was able to give up all her bad habits and start a new life. She testified of how happy she is to have the gospel in her life. As we ended, I asked if Ivan wanted to pray. He firmly denied saying that he was still not ready to pray in public and he would wait until God put the words in his mouth. Honestly, I had to help but mutter when pigs fly in my frusteration. We kneeled and this irmã said the prayer. Just as she finished Ivan started... I was stunned. But the prayer was beautiful, thoughtful and heartfelt. He pleaded forces from God as if he was talking to a friend.

The day after Christmas (I decided that this is always the very worst day of the whole year but for missionaries it is even worse)  we were oh so tired and the sun was super strong. We were trudging along pleading for strength when we found two incredible families. One is traveling now and won´t get back until this week. danget. Buttt they are even marriedd!! The other is a beautiful, strong woman named Celia and her three sons. They seem super interested and have a lot of potential. I am so excited because I know this message  can make all the difference for them.

A recent converent, Simone and our favorite, Joyce both bore their testimonies all about missionary work. They both thanked us for being consistent, persistent and loving. They testified how much this message changed their lives and thanked us for our humble service. It was such a gratifying moment and the spirit was so so strong. I am grateful we get to help this wonderful people to become better, stronger individuals and families.

I hope that this new year gives you all a chance to ponder on the important things and make new goals for next year. 2015 will be a good one. I can feel it.

And Rach Rach, have a wonderful day beautiful girl. I love you lots.

Sister Lauren