Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Monday, September 29, 2014

September 29, 2014- I HATE Transfers!

Hello Family!

Well guess what? I think President has a sense of humor, orr just likes to have us do a lot of really hard things. Because.... I. Got. Transfered. Again. Yeah, I am trying to look on the brightside but it is a little tough this time. Wanna know why? Because finally, after 9 long and pretty tough weeks we were starting to have a lot of success. Since we oppened the area, we had to start from literally zero. We found lots of people but learned quick that most of them were not actually interested. And we had to go the through the painstaking process of finding, teaching, dropping over and over. But FINALLY, things were looking up and we were having a lot of miracles. And just like that, I get the terrible call. But we´ll just forget for a minute that Educandario is not actually mine anymore as I take a moment to tell you about our many miracles this week....

First, Davi and Isabel. Soo Davi actually spent the week fishing with a big group of friends but in preparation for the trip we dropped off a little gift last week: The book of Mormon. And he took it with him! and even managed to read a few pages! And thought about our message lots during his absence.
Meanwhile, we stayed nice and close to Bel, visiting here with members practially every day just to read the scriptures and bear our testimonies. Basically getting her nice and strong for the next steps. Oh made sure to slip in an invite for church at every available moment. She said she would try, which usually means no, but we prayed hard for a miralce anyway. And guess who showed up? Guessed it, Isabel holding tightly her Book of Mormon and everything! I was so thrilled! Seriously grinning from ear to ear. She loved church. Actually adored it, commenting in Sunday school and everything. And it happened to be the primary program and she was especially behaved with the young kids singing and giving talks. 
And the members were great! One talked to her for a while and invited her to general conference next week. She said ``don´t worry... I am sure this girl won´t let me forget. She is incredible persistent.´´ (pointing at me) But then she added... ``but certainly she was sent to us for a reason. We are needing and grateful for the help.´´ She also invited us to teach to of her daughters and their young families because he regretted not raising them in the church in the first place. 

And yesterday, Davi returned, and we had a really special lesson about baptism and they even committed to baptism!! Ahh I was so excited! 

Also, we contined to teach, and mark for baptism, a young kid named Vinicios. He is doing his part, reading the scriptures and praying, and he even went to church this week and liked it a lot!

Also, the two part member families that we are working hard with, Lourdes and Edson are so so wonderful!! They actually went to a couples church party this week and sang their lungs out in Kareoke! And Edson and his wife won a prize! The two families came to church Sunday and just glowed as their children participated in the progam! Jasmine cant wait to be baptized and Edson is even more excited to baptize his daughter. 

Rose´s two little kids came to church alone this week! And the little 7-year old, Ygor is almost done with the illustrated Book of Mormon I bought him. He is darling and it is a shame that his mom was not baptized, but maybe the testimonies of her little ones with strengthen her with time. 

We also had some other great lessons with people that showed a lottt of potential. Seriously, I felt like I was walking on a cloud at times. So I cant help but wonder, why now? I just really hate changes. Every time. And every transfer has been decently tough because I feel grow so close to these people. And every time I leave a piece of myself in the area. Soon I wont have any more of my heart to give! Maybe for this reason this mission thing only lasts 18 months. 

Well, wish me luck in Cotia with my newbie. 

Sister Lauren

dear ones here at home we are very happy to be in our Stake Lauren. from our house to the new area of ​​lauren have 30 minutes. in our ward conference I spoke with the President of Lauren and asked him who the President is Sister Lauren will not make my mission in Ala or stake? he answered ask the Lord, let us see if it meets your request. How nice he answered our requests now lauren is 30 minutes from my house. rest assured that she will always take care of her for you. we care for her like she was our daughter. I just arrived from Rio de Janeiro travel with gary and the rose, they are fine and are already resting in the hotel. I now called the night to lauren and rose km spoke little to her, both were happy. you come get lauren in Brazil? we are preparing to have you guys here in Brazil.


Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22, 2014- "Waiting Time"

Hi family!!

It was a very good week! First, I think I have discovered why I am here in Educandario. It has taken a little time, and honestly, compared with my other two areas, this has definitely not been my favorite. You see, there are not many members in our ward as it is, but all of the ones we have live on the other side. Our area is super far from the chapel and just about everything else, and it seemed like even with our best efforts, not as much was happening as I would have liked. But this week I studied a little about the saints back in Kirkland. So, at one point, they recieved word that ohio would really only be a ``tempoary gathering place´´ and that some time in the near future they would be commanded to leave. However, they were also commanded not to become sedintary. They recieved instructions to build a temple and develop a city. And they did. Thuogh it was hard to leave, they had a lot of really wonderful moments in Kirkland. In fact, they recieved heavenly messangers and incredibly spiritual experiences that directly correlated with their sacrifices. 

Actually, when you think about it, we are all in some sort of ``waiting´´ phase of our lives. Waiting to start school, waiting to go on a mission, waiting to get transfered, witing to graduate, waiting to get married, waiting to have a baby, waiting to find a better job, waiting for the kids to leave home, waiting to retire... (you get the picture) If we spent all of our time simply waiting for the next phase, we would end up with a lot of empty yesterdays, So, a secret to success is learning how to give it your all, and make the most of every preciuos moment. 

But anyway, I am starting to notice a lot of precious moments here. There are two families, actually brother and sister Lourdes and Edson. They were both baptized some time ago but fell away from the church for whatever reason. BUTT, they both had a feeling they needed to go back and started taking with their spouses and kids about their plans the same week we found them on the streets. 

Actually, Lourdes´s husband is not member and he originally said he would never visit the church because we have too many rules. But in our first lesson we taught the plan of salvation and I presented the question... Claudio, what would you do to have an eternal family? He responded, Anything! Great answer, that I took advantage of frequently throughout the lesson. For example, we invited him to church and he said it was too early. I responded... Claudio, what would you do to have an eternal family. He agreed to visit church. (and he did!! two times now actually!) Then we talked about the word of wisdom and he expressed his love for ´cervejinha.´ I once again, presented the same question. He got quiet real quick. 

Edson was separated from his wife for a while but they decided to get back together and bought a house in our area very recently! Also, Edson came to the realizaton that he needed the church in his life again and came back! They have a daughter who is 9 and has not been baptized yet but is supperrr excited. We talked with bishop and Edson and turns out he will perform the ordinance in a few short weeks!! Edson and his daugther Jasmin are both giddy as school children for this! It will be an incredible event and I am so excited to help take part!

So now we visit these two families every thursday and friday and plan meaningful little lessons and they make us incredible food. They even gave us cookbooks as lembrances. 

Also, taught Davi and Isabel again and it was pretty cool! Turns out, Davi forgot about our lesson and took off for Curitiba. Well he almost arrived when realized that the keys for their grocery store were in his car. Soooo, he had to turn around and come back. And got back just in time for our visit! Isabel laughed and laughed and said that he was kind of like Jonas. Trying to run frrom God, but God put him right where he needed to be: in our visit. We agreed compltely! 

Oh, one last cool story... Remember the guy, Anderson,  I taught and baptized way back in Campo Limpo? The tattoo artist?  Well, I got some great news about him!! Turns out, he is basically the star of the ward!! He actually taught and baptized his best friend, and gives his testimony every fast sunday and makes the entire ward cry. The missionary serving there now says she does not have words to describe how amazing he is! So that is gratifying! 

But yes, I am happy and trying to make the very best of my ´´waiting time.´´ Thank you for your support and prayers and love! 

Boa semana!

Sister Lauren

But seeing grandma and grandpa was really good!! very special. Now I am reading the book they left me (Precious memories mission chapters) and it is really cool to see all the good and bad experiences he had. Next week we have transfers again so I don't know what will happen. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

September 15, 2014- 9 Mesas!

It was a very exciting week. Lots of storieesss. 

The first was not exactly so great but I guess you just gotta laugh about these kinds of things... So Rose and Camile were all sorts of ready and excited for baptism. We had already taught all the lessons various times. Here, a big and reoccuring problem is that people just don´t really get married. They just live together, wear rings, and call eachother husband and wife. Strange I know... So any time we sit down to teach a family the very first thing we ask is if they are actually, legally married. And Rose said yes!! In fact, she even showed us pictures and videos of her wedding!! Yeah turns out, she did not actually get married, but rather had a party and called it a wedding. Furtherrr she can´t get married or she will lose a government pension she is recieving for one of her sons whose birth dad died. She will recieve money until he is 24 and right now he is only 7... soo yeah it is probably not going to work out too well. bummer. 

The second.... we went to lunch with the other sisters the other day and when we clapped and called, the irmã did not not come to the gate. At first we thought she forgot or something. Yeah, not cool but not totally uncommon in the life of a missionary. THEN her neighbor came to the gate and explained that actually she and her daughter and grandaughter had run away a few days earlier. Uhhh. Turns out, her daughter (who we have already eaten with) is super in to the whole drug thing. Buying. Selling. So, in a few business-deals-gone-bad she ended up killing some people. And now, logically, they are on the run. He showed us her house and it appears as if they truly left everything and ran. Including their uneaten lunch on the counter. I was just a bit frightened. but then again, how many people can say that they lunched with a murderer?

On a slightly different, more spiritual note, one day this week we stopped at a little store to buy water and a man named Davi stopped me and asked ``you are not Brasileiros are you?´´ I mean, we usually get that question when we open our mouths, but we had not even said anything!! haha but turns out, he and his family recieved the discussions from two American elders about 25 years ago. He actually went to church a few times and everything, but he told me that his priorities were just messed up. BUT, he never forgot the missionaries or the peace they left in his house. He gave us his address and asked him to visit him on Sunday afternoon. Turns out he lives in the chic/condo part of our area that is pretty difficult to enter without an invite. And next door to two of the only two strong member-families in our ward. So, we invited a member along with us and had an incredible lesson. Seriously, so wonderful! 
Turns out, his mom died this week and he was wishing and praying for something more and then we walked right back in their lives! We will visit he and his wife again Wednesday at 2. They even put a reminder on the refrigerator so they won´t forget! So cross your fingers or say a prayer, whatever you fancy, por favor. 

But yeah, I am a happy girl who just reached 9 months!! A missionary tradition is to take a prego picture at this part of the journey, but I think I´ll pass mainly because I really don´t want any sort of picture where I look mobidly obese for as long as possible. But I have what I think is a much better idea... the nine reoccuring lessons I have learned from this mission of mine... 
1. Miracles happen. Especially when we put our faith in our Heavenly Father. Anddd, when we go the extra mile and go without food and water for a while. 
2. Positive thinking is an art and a necessity here in the field. For example, you could think of the ônibus as a hot, sweaty, dangerous place packed with people bouncing and banging around uncontrolably... OR you can think of it as a ride, more exhilerating than even California Screamin´and an excellent opportunity to develop quick reflexes and agility. The choice is always ours!
3. Every missionary needs the ABC´s... 
I feel very lucky/blessed to be getting plenty of all three. Definitely more than I deserve. 
4.  It is possible to love anyone. literally anyone when you both are wearing name badges, representing Christ, and taking part in miracles every day.
5. There is a certain charm in simplicity. Rotating between 5 skirts is not the very worst thing that could happen to a girl
6. When you walk a lot. and I mean A LOT it is possible to feel a never-ending, serging foot pain. But vinager and really hot water make for a great temporary remedy!
7. Maps are not foes but friends. When you learn how to read them correctly, they actually contain a lot of really useful information. 
8. Getting a lot of unwelcome cat calls, marriage proposals, and corny pick p lines  from these forward Brazilian mens is a very interesting mix between uncomforable, flattering, and at times a little terrifying
9. The scriptures are soo cool! Seriously, fonts of undless knowledge and power. And better than any good fairy tale or sci-fi. Even Nicolas Sparks or Harry Potter because they are totally real life! 

So, yep I could go on and on, but as promised, the 9! Love you all and have a boa semana!!

Sister Lauren

Sunday, September 14, 2014

September 14, 2014

What a great day in Brazil, Lauren got to connect with her grandparents!! Thanks to Paulhino.

                                                Rose                 Lauren           Gary

Dear Stephen and Christine,
       Well, we saw your beautiful daughter.  We believe you received the photos
from Paulinho, but just in case I resent them.  She is happy and loving her mission,
and didn't want to talk about a release date, but when I pursued it a little further 
she looked at her calendar and said probably May 31, 2015.  Her Portuguese is 
wonderful, and she looks really beautiful and happy.  We went to Church and met
Edimilson (we think that is his name, he is the one that was baptized 2 months ago).
Guess that is about it, but we will tell you more about it later.  The other two things we might tell you is that Lauren was so loving and nice to us, and yet, when it was time for us to go, it was like when we
saw you, Stephen, in Boston, and she was ready to get back to her world.  She was on her way to have lunch at a members house and she didn't want to be late.
     The other thing, Christine, she told me not to tell you is that her purse bag, the red one is really worn looking.  I said, "I know what your Mom can send next" and she said, "No don't tell her, she will send me five!"
     We also loved the fact that one of the three lady missionaries she lives with is from Porto Velho where we wrote our book about the old train.  She was smart as a whip, and want to be an attorney.
We are going to take a nap.
Love you all,

Mom and Dad (Grandma and Granda)

Gary Neeleman

September Zone Conference;

Monday, September 8, 2014

September 8th, 2014- Study Guides

This week was actually really good! A week of new beginnings actually! Lots of new people. A lot of which are families. Funny story... a few weeks ago the other sisters who divide the area with us decided that they were overwhelmed with too many people to visit and decided to give us a street that only has an endless stream of apartament complexes (seriously there are at least 150) and a list of 25 referrals. We were pretty excited because our investigator list was a little short so we began trying to find these people at home. But, practically EVERY door we knocked said we had the wrong house. I started getting a little confused and finally asked the sisters what was up. Only then did they explain that each block number has, conveniently two corresponding building on opposite ends of the street and really the only way to know which of these buildings is correct is to try them both. Every time. 

Yeah it makes no sense. But at least the second time around we were about to find a few more people to teach! 
And at least one miracle came out of the confusion. We had a reference for a woman named Juliana who lived in Block 8 Apartament 21. So, we tried the first block 8 and found a woman named Juliana! She was a little surprised because she said she did not give her name to anyone, but she let us in anyway. We found out that she has family who are members of the church and that she has even already visited. After, her two little daughters said that they never wanted to go back to their old church because they loved ours more! But they are super cute and she is super receptive!

We have also been teaching an African man named Simeon. He is probably about 40 and HILARIOUS. And we get to teach (okay honestly get taught) in english which is always a perk. But he is seriously briliant, as far as scriptures are concerned. His very favorite phrase is ``the bible says...´´ This week the topic of conversation was on baptism for the dead. He just not could not accept that people who had not been ``saved´´ on earth could get a seccond chance. But by the end of the convo he started talking about his brother and dad: both of which had died before being baptized. He told us that he would put our lesson to his full proof test... read, meditate and pray for guidance and assurance. He recognized that there is a lot resting on our message like the salvation of his dad and brother. He told us that as soon as he knows for himself he will be baptized for everyone! 
Then, we walked to the grocery store and he insisted on buying us something (or half of the store) to express his gratitude for our enlightenment. 6 cartons of expensive juice, 2 boxes of chocolate and a strange, exotic fruit later, I think he is starting to soften towards us and our message a little! haha

Another funny moment was when we stopped by to visit another family we are teaching, a woman Rose and her daughter Camile. If all goes as planned they shouled be baptized next week. Camile was having a presentation at school and invited us. We explained that we could not leave our area boundries and she offered to show us a part of the performance. Costume and all. and wowww, lets just say that the school presentations are a little different here. Skimpy outfit, slightly provacative dance. (oh did I mention she is 11) As we left my companion said ``hmmm I cant decide if that was a delightful cultural experience or total apostasy.´´ haha we will go with the first. gotta love Brazil

Oh and in my studies I am reading Isiah, again. This time I started thinking about his counsel a little differently. Blame it on the time of year and the saudades I feel towards school and studying, but I thought about how Isiah (and actually all the prophets) are a lot like all the other pofessors I had throughout life. When there is a concept that is super important, and most likely to find its way to our upcoming test, they like to repeat themselves. A lot. So many times, I remember sitting with some horried little test in front of me trying to rack my brain for the exact words the professor used at least 6 times that I forgot to write down and take to heart. 

Similarly, I think the scriptures are like our very own class lectures. Our job is to make a good study guide, paying exceptional attention to the details and repeats, and then try to apply the knowledge as best we can. When we follow this pattern, we can be sure that it will all work out okay. 

So, Love you all! Good luck with everything and have a great week!

Sister Lauren

                                                                                                    Sophia's birthday party


                                                                                             Edmilson and Bishop

Our Adventure

Chocolate store

trash fire -- yeah this happens a lot here in Brazil

                                                                                                      The Temple

My Zone

Crazy Kids

Monday, September 1, 2014

September 1, 2014- Proud Parents Moments!

HI family!!!

It was a great week because I got to see some of the fruits of my labor! Wanna know why? Because I got to spend some time with two of my very favorites. Gabriela and Edmilson. It was great! 

President started a new program with the sisters in our mission to better take advantage of the temple we have right in the middle of our mission. Now we take turns, every two weeks, standing in front of the temple to make contacts and give tours. It was fun to talk to lottsss of people. And we even gave a tour. Problem was... the kid is from Argentina and did speak or understand a lick of Portuguese. And turns out my high school Spanish class did not have much of a lasting impact on me. Ooops. 
But the best thing about the temple is that Gabriela lives right by!!! So during our lunch hour we stopped by and ended up eating with her and her boyfriend. Oh they are so so happy!! And getting all ready for their wedding in January. Needless to say, they are both very appreciative that Sister Farfal and I taught and baptized Gabriela to create a way for them to meet.  Of all the wonderful luck, that night they were throwing a birthday party for Gabriela´s 5-year-old daughter Sofia, so we scored an invite for that too! It was Dorah Explorer themed and so cute! But the best part is that her boyfriend totally helped plan and docorate because he already considers Sofia his own daughter! And Gabriela told me about their plans to have at least 4 more little rascals! What a cute eternal family they will be! Just goes to show that Heavenly Father always has a plan for us that is even bigger and better than we could ever dream up on our own!

And her mom, Cecilia was just as wonderful as normal. She asked all about our P-days and our recent adventures. Like normal, she began planning what we NEED to do here in Sao Paulo. Clothes, restaraunts, etc. She still seems pretty tied to her coffee and cigarettes but at least she loves the missionaries and the church now! I will be forever grateful for that lady!

And Edmilson! Is even better than I could have imagined! I am actually stunned that after we gave the challenge to just stop... completely stop smoking, he managed! This week we started teaching his son. (25 years) His son came to the baptism last week and was super touched so he agreed to sit in on the recent-member lessons. So we taught about the restauration with a special spin on the Priesthood. And it was an incredible lesson. Seriously, such a strong spirit. I got a little emotional when I talked about my gratitude for the priesthood in my home. How my father blessed and watched over our home with such a special, God-given power, and how they have the opportunity and responsibility to do the same thing. 

Andddd, Edmilson recieved the Priesthood this week!! So next week he will be blessing or passing the sacrament! He is super nervous but excited. I gave a special shout out to JD and talked about how much he loves and honors his Priesthood. And Edmilson made a few visits with us and sang our praises to our investigators. He told about how much he appreciates our help and how he is more happy than he has ever been in his whole life. He made the promise that if they made the sacrifices necessary to go to church and change their lives they would never, ever regret it. He told us that he would never forget us and the potential he helped him see in his own life. 

So, not everyone accepts our message, but at least we are making a pretty significant impact in a few special lives! I´ll take it!

Boa Semana! Love you all! 

Sister Lauren