Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Monday, June 30, 2014

June 30, 2014- Brazil WONNNN!

Hello family!!

First and foremost, I am totally bummed that I did not hike Orderville and enjoy the beautiful serenity of the ranch with you all this weekend and I would give lots to celebrate 4th of July in America, but its all good. I will surivive. At the very least, I will eat a hot dog and wear red, white and blue. You can take the girl out of America, but you cant take America out of the girl. :)

Buttt Gabriela was not baptized last week. As I predicted, there were a few problems. On Tuesday we practically spent the whole day with her. She excitedly showed us a CTR ring and lots of other things she bought at the temple. We planned her special day with talks and she even prayed that her baptism could come faster because she could not wait much longer. Welll.... we were ecstatic. But as we usually do we warned that she would probably feel some sort of opposition and to be ready. And, like clock work, Tuesday night she called us sobbing and told us she was calling off her baptism. 

 I don´t know if I mentioned but her entire family is Jewish. They are not practicing now but she grew up reading the Torah, celebrating Hanukah, etc. Also, her family has lots of money. So when her dad caught news that she was well on her way to becoming the newest member of the ´´Mormon church´´ let´s just say that he was not exactly pleased. He screamed that she was betraying her family and her traditions etc. 

As you can imagine, we were devestated. Because this was the FOURTH time this week something like this happened...
1. Miguel told us that even though he wants to be baptized more than anything and that he recognizes how wonderful the gospel of Christ is but that the other Bolivians he works/lives were giving him an unbearable time: mocking and scourning him for his decision to meet with us, go to church and change his life. He told us that he needs space and that when things calm down he will find us at church. 
2. We were teaching this 89 year old woman named Rosa. Hard as a rock and about as old as Moses but she showed some interest. She came with us to church and a FHE and allowed us to change out all the coffee in her house for hot chocolate. But in a moment of weakness she told her daughter about the headache she was having because she gave up coffee. Her daughter then convinced her that we were trying to wreck her life and coffee clearly was good for her.
3. Silvio, the man who has taken care of his mother for 20 years, the one with the list of 20 inspired questions that led us to teach all of our lessons in one night finally came to church last Sunday. And he absolutely adored his experience. He answered all of the questions in Sunday school and made instant friends. So much so that the Elders quorem president called that very night for his address and number and they immediately put him on the list of people to visit!! But, (there is alwayssss a but) his brother in law hates the church and said some awful things like all of the crazy, estranged serial killers in the United States are members of the church and that we practice arranged marraiges. Silvio realizes that these are complete lies, but his mom is old and a little crazy. She started sobbing, wailing actually that we are trying to take his son away from him. So while Silvio wants to join the church more than anything in the world he has to wait until his mom dies or for a miracle to return. 

Sooo long story short, we were pretty devestated that our investigator of gold, Gabriella was also struggling. We fasted and prayed to know what to say and how to say it, and I truly felt the hand of the Lord in our work. Actually very quickly. We called Gabriella the next morning and she was sooo much better!! She told us that after she got off the phone with us, her tough-as-nails, smoker,drinker mom, Cecilia, gave her a pretty inspring pep-talk. She said ´´Look, I am Jewish too. And while I am sad that you want to change, I can see that you are happy. You are changing for the better so go forward with this decision and dont listen to your ´idiot father´.´´ Cecilia was our personal angel this week!! Sometimes answers to our prayers come in interesting ways!! 

That very same day Silvio called and told us that he already felt a huge fault of us and that while he could not accept visits from the church at home, he will gladly accept a message at any time at the gate and he is praying for a miracle! I´ll take it!

But I found a quote by Sister Dalton that I think is especially special after this roller coaster week:
``No wonder Satan has increased his attacks on identiy and virtue... If you can be dismayed, discouraged, distracted, delayed, or disqualified from being worthy to recieve the guidance of the Holy Ghost or to enter the Lord´s holy temple, he wins.´´

So, just stay away from those 5 ´D´words and go forward with faith! Everything will work out! 

In other news, Brazil is still in the world cup! The game with Chile was crazyyyy! These crazy Brazilians are so excited!! and giving my Chilean companion a pretty tough time. Today we are going to 25 de Marco (a Brazil version of Canal street) to celebrate the win. We will buy futebol jerseys and just anything with the Brazilian flag so we will be all sorts of prepared for the next game on Friday! Transfers are coming up and I really reallyyyy hope I stay here. I love this difficult but gratifying Vila Sonia. 

Have a great week!!

Sister Lauren

thank you for your email mom! I am great and happy!! Yeah I guess I wont miss hiking lone peak again. I am glad I am here far away so I cant get suckered in. So, Katie did not go to the ranch? What did she do? And my face is getting better. A process defintely. Sao Paulo is so so dirty and I think that does not help but I am taking the medicine religiously

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sunday morning surprise in my email in box!

my dear, today Sunday I and my wife came to visit Sister Lauren and she is very well, has many kisses to all and loves them very much.


Paulo Bergoc

Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23, 2014 - Cold Showers

Hi family,
I dont have much time today so forgive me for the incredibly short email.
I am happy. World cup has presented a little bit of a challenge in that it is incredibly difficult to find our investigators at home or willing to accept a visit. Butttt only an opportunity, really, to visit new members and less actives. The members in our ward are incredible, and for them alone I would be happy to stay here in Vila Sonia for forever.
A few more Brazillian/missionary adventures coming your way... So it is common knowledge that missionaries generally dont live in Ritz Carelton standard housing. And when I arrived Campo Limpo almost 6 months ago I did not know how I would survive with the not-so-great living conditions. Untilll my first visit to the favelas. I came home feeling incredibly grateful and incredibly humbled. Since then I forgot that we live in a total dive. But this week I remembered. Because we lost all of our hot water and gas. So no hot showers or stove/oven access. After a week of this, we mentioned our sad situation to a great member family. (the one that sent you an email mom!) She too has a missionary son so she offered to help us out. She and her husband came in to our apartment and almost died. Not that it was messy because we did a speed through clean up, but just because it is dumpy. She was horrified as she thought of her missionary. I thought the whole situation was quite hilarious. But at least we have hot (or in reality luke cold) water and we finally cracked and bought new gas. Turns out our gas cap had a leak and we have probably been inhaling dangerous fumes for weeks. yikes.
We have been teaching who and when we can. In addition, we are helping out with a neighboring ward as Sister Garcia left leaivng the area high and dry. chato. But it is okay because we have a miracle/present from God investigator as a result... Gabriella. I honestly love this woman. She is 34, recently divorced and having health issues. She has a beautiful, full of life 4-year old named Sofia. She is funny, smart and receptive. Honestly the highlight of my days. I love that we have the chance to bring some light into her life during these difficult times for her. If all goes as planned her baptism will be this weekend!!! Please pray everything goes right. I cant let this one slip through our hands! And Satan is often tricky at this stage of the game.
But love you lots!
Have a great week.

Sister Lauren

Friday, June 20, 2014

A letter from a Brazilian today!!!

Olá irmã Christine tudo bem?
Sua linda filha esteve aqui em casa almoçando conosco. Ela e a companheira são muito queridas e trabalhadoras na obra do Senhor.

Elas estão mandando um "oi" e mandando beijos. Estão bem.

Beijos e obrigada por mandar sua filha querida para servir aqui em nosso pais.

Com amor,



Hello Sister Christine, how are you?
Your beautiful daughter is here in my house for lunch. She and her Companion are very darling and hardworking in the service of our Heavenly Father.

She sends kisses and is well.

Kisses and thank you for sending your darling daughter to serve in my country.

With Love,


Monday, June 16, 2014

June 16- Copa do Mundo Madness- 6 months today!

Hello al!! 

I survived my first week of a Brazilian World Cup!! Definitely an adventure!! President actually gave us permission to watch the first game and I learned what I already knew... Soccer is number one prioirity here. Every restaurant and store proudly sports the flag and the streets are all sorts of painted and decorated. And... okay embarrassing detail... I am now a collector. Here soccer sticker albums are very popular, especially among 8-14 year old boys. But my bishop in Campo Limpo gave me one as an Easter present soo basically I had no choice but to start finding stickers to fill it! My native companions think my dedication to my album is amusing. But in my defense, I am learning all the Portuguese names for different countries anndd I have a conversation starter with the boys trading cards in the streets. So during the game, I poured over my album and traded cards with the kids. And I met a few English speakers in the streets this week and I really, really struggled to speak correrently. Actually, I saw my friends from the CTM who are teaching an English class here and they invited me to visit and relearn the basics. You may say that I am almost a native ;) just kidding.

But the World cup party was crazy!! Actually we spent time at two different parties. At the first we painted our faces, green and yellow of course, and ate feijoada. At the second we ate pao de quejos and yelled at the TV. (Actually, we watched the family yell at the TV. I am not that much of a fan yet.) I am learning how popular we are as missionaries. It is actually an honor that I may never have again but we are always busy and we get invites for all the surrounding parties. I still can not figure out exactly why because we cant even listen to music or watch TV. We have no idea what is going on in the cyber world or entertainment but everyone wants us to grace them with our presence merely because of our badges! 

But there is definitely a down side to World Cup. It just got 25 times more difficult to find our investigators at home and willing to listen to a message about Jesus. Danget. But we will keep trying. Because there is lots of work to be done. Whether these Brazilians want to listen to our message or not. 

One story in particular will be my motivation for this week... We met a woman on the street and quickly learned that she was worried about an eye surgery she would be having the next day. In typical missionary fashion we offered to say a prayer with her. Soon she was spilling her guts. She began sobbing and told us of her biggest regret in life. Seven years ago her son met the missionaries. He quickly learned that he wanted desperately to be baptized but his mom, this woman, said no. Soon after he began hanging out with the wrong crowd. He started listening to bad music, he started drinking, and now as a 19 year old man his life is very different than he or his mom envisioned. His mom also carefully observed, over the years, the other kids on the street. She realized that the ones who turned out the best were the ones who kept the church first priority. She wishes, more than anything that she could turn back time and do things over but it is just so much harder now. 
John Greenleaf Whittier: “Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: It might have been!

So my reminder this week... Our actions have consequences. And because of the plan of salvation, the people will love so dearly, our family members, also suffer the consequences or the blessings of our actions. So be smart. And prayerful. And thoughtful. And just don´t do anything too stupid. 

I love you. I am praying for your safety and happiness every day. And working hard to live up to your trust. 


your missionary, Sister Lauren

p.s. I entered a mall today for the first time in 6 months!!! haha my companion and  were so gitty!! I completely forgot my love for fashion here in Brazil as a missionary where comfort and ease are my top priorties. But I thought of you, my fashionista mom! You and Katie will have to teach me what is in style when I get home

tomorrow is P day because we are going to the temple. But tomorrow Brazil is playing again. And when Brazil plays, the entire country closes down. I am not exaggerating in the slightest. So if we waited until tomorrow we would not be able to use the computers. And this morning we had our regular district meeting and then an appointment

Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014- Sol milagres

This week was awesome!!! Full of miracles and I don´t even know where to begin! First, I can continue here in Vilia Sonia!! Crazy Sister G tried another week out, changing her mind every five minutes whether to stay or go but she is officially gone and another sister from our house, Sister Farfal is serving with me now! She is from Chile. Really smart and a great missionary and we work well together. 

First off... remember when President Monson said that now is the time for missionaries and members to work in unison to bring salvation to more children of our Heavenly Father? Yeah members are doing that here and I am here to tell you it is working!!! I am a firm believer in creating a lot of trust with the members. Short visits and lots of spiritual thoughts. I learned here how important it is to gain the respect and love of the members and I think we have officially won their hearts because I feel like they have started pouring out the names of their friends and neighbors!! and I am not complaining!

First, a young girl from our ward, Sarah brought her friend, Eduarda, to the cultural activity last week and she absolutely adored it! So she came to church Sunday. We visited her whole family this week and we marked Eduarda, her mom, Wendy, and her little sister, Marcela, for baptism. The dad is Japanese or ´´ching-a-ling´´ as Sister Dantas would say and he seems a little more reserved to religion, but I have a really great feeling about this family. Wendy only wants to do what she believes is right for her family and I know the Gospel will only bless their lives and fortify their family. 

Two little boys, who actually are not even members yet, decided to work with us Sunday. During the pouring rain and freezing cold they introduced us to seventeen neighbors!! They passed out pass along cards and did not complain even once about the weather! Cute little boys!

Then, two recent converts, 15 year old boys, introduced me to their friend Hercules at church. They said ``here is our friend. He needs our message. Come teach him 7:00 at our house.´´ You best believe I jotted down that appointment real quick. 

Then we were walking and decided to talk to a woman (not to strange since we try to talk to everyone.) But when we introduced ourselves her face lit up. She told us that she went to church a few weeks ago with a friend and absolutely adored her experience. She asked for our number from the member friend and was planning to call us but we beat her to it! Some call it luck! I think it is a blessing. But she lives in the ritziest part of our area. Apartaments that we can not enter with out an invitation. So you see, the only way to reach and so many others like her is with the help of members. 

Then the other missionaries in our district called with a name and number and only ordered that we visit immediately. We did, the very next day. And when we knocked at the door, the dad of this family, Eduardo answered and asked why we waited so long! He could not wait to hear more so we marked a time when we can visit his whole family together. 

All these stories, and I am sure others I am forgetting, all happened because members decided to open their mouthes and share the things of their hearts with people around them!! Be inspired. We missionaries need you normal people that can listen to regular music and wear jeans. When you share your testimonies in our lessons it makes all the difference!

Anyway, remember the Bolivian, Miguel? We have been teaching him for a little while now. He initially found our church years ago from a member friend but they went their separate ways. Miguel lived years in the world doing a lot of things contrary to the commandments. And finally, he realized that he was not happy. So when we found him on the streets he accepted our message with open arms. He especially likes that we have rules and structure in our church because he said that is exactly what he needs right now. Buttt finally after weeks and weeks he came to church yesterday for the first time! He already came to a baptism and two FHEs but I think he was scared to come to church because he did not know what to expect. But, Sunday morning he called us and informed us that he would be there! He adored it! After we had a lesson on the temple grounds and all systems are a go for his baptism on he 21st. He works 24-7 at this Bolivian clothing factory so if you need to find us for any reason, it is safe to say we might be there. sol acomapnhamento now

On a funny note.. I dont know if I have mentioned the demon African children we teach? They absolutely love church but they have no recognition of the words ´reverent´or obedient. In fact, Sister Garcia started bawling during a lesson because she could not handle the chaos. But anyway, Saturday night was the straw that broke this camel´s back.... The 8-yr old Ademole was especially monstrous. He pulled my hair, threw my shoes in the street, stole my camera, rummaged through my bag, crushed a flower I had picked and finally when he hit my head I lost it. Here in the middle of the street I said, very firmly I might add... ´´Ademole stop. We are representatives of Jesus Christ and you have absolutely no respect for us or for our calling. You do not know what it means to be obedient and until you learn we will not return.´´ The sibs can testify that when I get mad... I am mad. My companion was shocked. But it may have helped because he was not quite so horrific Sunday and he actually even apologized. Let´s just say that patience is a virtue I am still trying to develop. 

Anyway, here are just a few of the happenings. But just know, that I am so so happy. I am seeing miracles and witnessing the lives of so many begin to change. So many times this week as I was walking I just could not help but pinch myself as I thought of how lucky/blessed I am. People to teach, things to do, lives to change. Life is good. 

Sister Lauren

Tribute to Dad;
I was planning to include my tribute to dad in the other email but it was already so so long and you were probably already snoozing.  But as Fathers day is coming up, I thought it only fair to send a shout out to the man I love more than any other. My hero and one of my very best friends. my dad

I read and reread a talk from Elain S. Dalton that I think exhibits, exactly why I love my dad called ``love her mother.´´And lots of my thoughts today are actually from that talk. But as I tried to make a list of lessons I have learned from my dad so so many came to mind...

--Your atitude determines your altitude
--Dream big and then work really hard to make your dreams a reality
--Every human being deserves dignity and respect
--Service heals the soul
--Learning is a process that should continue throughout life: Books contain an unending wealth of knowledge
--life is short and time is precious: Take time to smell the roses and enjoy each and every moment
--wherever you are in the world, and whatever you are doing, make church a priority every Sunday
--Do lots or HARD things

As I was reading about Moroni this week I thought about my dad who is also ´´a strong and mighty man. A man of perfect understanding. and a man who lives firm in the faith of his salvador Jesus Christ.´´

 I remembered a a time when we were treading snow, probably to sled. And dad told me ``just walk behind me. Follow exactly my footsteps and your feet will stay safe and unburried.´´ Since that moment I have tried to follow in your footsteps as closely as possible. It is definitely a challenge at times not only because you wear a size 15 but also because you are an incredible person and do so much good. But I will continue to try because you are my hero. 

Dad, thank you for loving my mom. By the way you love her you teach me about tenderness, loyalty, respect, compassion and devotion. You teach my what to expect and what to seek for in a future spouse. By the way you love and honor mom, you teach me that I should never settle for less. And dad, thank you for exemplifying charity in all that you do. I know that I am a daughter of a loving heavenly father because of the things I have learned from you, my earthly father. 

Happy Fathers day week to my excellent dady and to all the fathers of the world who treat their wives and children with respect and devotion. Righteous, strong, good fathers are hard to find but an inspiration to the world.

P.S. keep the letters coming. The Elders have only half kiddingly decided to devote a separate mailbox just for me! I am grateful for your support and your prayers.

p.s.s I got my face medicine! Turns out that Paulinho is great friends with one of my favorite families in the ward! So he dropped the package off there. Sister Garcia finally went home today and I think even our President was singing Hallelujah. She is seriously terrible. And the members and investigators were so happy to see her go!

Zone Conference!

Missão São Paulo Oeste added 100 new photos to the albumMultizona Junho/2014.
13 hrs · 
Aqui comemoramos os aniversariantes do trimestre.
"Here commemorating the anniversary of one trimester"- 6 months down~

Missão São Paulo Oeste's photo.

Monday, June 2, 2014

June 2, 2014- Another sister L….Like Dad had on his mission! (24 weeks)

So... This week was quite the roller coaster. 

Remember the Sister L stories we always used to hear around the dinner table? The sister who said ``screw you´´ to her President. The one who insisted on lounging around in her garments  instead of working? The one who on a daily basis changed her mind about the whole mission thing and constantly threated to pack her bags? The one who cried about fake illnesses and asked for blessings all the time? And the one that dad accidentally sent home? 

Yeah I met her evil twin. Actually, I spent a week trying to train her evil twin. I am exhausted but in all honestly, it makes for some great comic relief. I willl start from the beginning:

 We had a training for the trainers and I felt the great responsibility that a trainer has to lead by example. I felt so honored that President gave me the opportunity to influence another´s mission in this profound way. I decorated her desk with notes and candy and a welcome banner. I thought a lot about what I could do to be the best trainer and prayed for strength beyond my own. I found quotes and conference talks about the missionary work that I planned to share with her because I knew the first few days would be difficult.  I planned our first days to be both meaningful and memorable for her spending time with great members and my favorite investigators. 

Then she arrived.. And the moment we climbed our first hill she burst out balling. This was the first of many, many sobbing fits where she wailed ``I just want my mommmm.´´ Yeah. I am entirely serious. I tried to talk her though it. We took lots of breaks. She recieved a blessing from our district leader. Our zone leader offered his two sense. The assistents tried to help. President and Sister Del Guerso were basically on speed dial. Then she started complaining about her foot and said that she could not walk. So, under the direction of President, we spent the day in our apartment and I was basically pulling my hair out thinking of all the people we needed to be serving. As she slept I tried to have lessons over the phone. I also examined and reexamined our area book, watched the training DVDs, made a cake for some members and skimmed the mountain of Liahonas we have in our book shelves. I was so sad because I just wanted to be working! So I found a member with a car and we taught like normal at night. 

I have come to a few conclusions. First, absolutely nothing is wrong with her foot but rather, she is the laziest human on the planet. Second, as I was trapped at home, twiddling my thumbs and brainstorming things to do to keep busy, I decided that I absolutely love my mission. I love the good we are doing here. I love coming home and feeling physically and emotionally drained but just so so accomplished. Hard, dignified work is good for the soul. Third, I am beginning to realize just how precious our time here is. I will never have the opportunity to walk Campo Limpo favelas with Sister Valente belting Bon Jovi and Journey. I will never have the opportunity sprint home at 9:25 with Sister Dantas because we don´t want to arrive late but we just had so much to do! These moments and oh so many more are just memories now and I have an increased desire to cherish each and every moment here and after my mission too. 

Every day is not perfect but I am learing that there is something truly wonderful and almost perfect in each day. 

I tried to express this passion with this chick but unfortunately she did not catch the fire or see the vision. Last night we had a meeting with President and he said ``a mission is not a prison. Feel free to leave at any time.´´ So she is a gonner and I am not complaining! 

In other news, while it was a little bit harder to work this week, we found some new people with a lot of potential and had some really great lessons. Also, we had the most incredible stake activity to celebrate cupo do mundo. All the youth in the stake dressed up like different countries and decorated a room to comemorate cultures throughout the world. Then they put on an incredible presentation with music and dancing and ethnic food. It was seriously the most incredible church activity I have ever attended. The time that the young kids and the leaders put in is inspiring. Also, I was touched as I watched a few of our recent converts and even our investigator, Gilhereme participate.

 I left with the overwhelming feeling that our church is truly amazing. Where else can young kids get so much exposure to other incredible driven kids, culture, and a clean happy environment in this dark scary world. Now I am just hoping that his mom thought the same thing and will finally grant permission for him to be baptized! 

But the work is good. I am healthy and really happy. I am only  praying for a companion that is happy and wants to work hard. Basically another Sister Dantas. All will work out! 

Yours truly, 

Sister Lauren
                                                                                      last day in Campo Limpo

Called to be a trainer!
                                                                                                   Lots of FHEs

                       Cute Ice Cream Shop

                                                                                  a reunion with an old friend!!

                                                                           the culture activity. Welcome to Japan!!

                                                                          Sister Dantas xoxo

                                                                                         such a great surprise!

                                                                                                  sol agua!

Also, absolutely I will visit Seth!! We are alwaysss at the temple. 

Actually, such a neat experience, I saw my CTM professor, Irma Bueno at the temple. We at lunch together and we practiced lessons with my trainee. It was such a special experience to teach my professora again. But this time I think I did a lot better!

p.s.  I received the bank card finally! With the 100 dollars. A miracle actually because my package and even the envelope were all oppened by the post office. Pretty scketchy. But thank you! Do you remember my pin number? So much for an OVERNIGHT package thru the post office!

Sister Garcia is from South of Brasil, Rio Grande Do Sul State, Novo Hamburgo City.