Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Monday, June 2, 2014

June 2, 2014- Another sister L….Like Dad had on his mission! (24 weeks)

So... This week was quite the roller coaster. 

Remember the Sister L stories we always used to hear around the dinner table? The sister who said ``screw you´´ to her President. The one who insisted on lounging around in her garments  instead of working? The one who on a daily basis changed her mind about the whole mission thing and constantly threated to pack her bags? The one who cried about fake illnesses and asked for blessings all the time? And the one that dad accidentally sent home? 

Yeah I met her evil twin. Actually, I spent a week trying to train her evil twin. I am exhausted but in all honestly, it makes for some great comic relief. I willl start from the beginning:

 We had a training for the trainers and I felt the great responsibility that a trainer has to lead by example. I felt so honored that President gave me the opportunity to influence another´s mission in this profound way. I decorated her desk with notes and candy and a welcome banner. I thought a lot about what I could do to be the best trainer and prayed for strength beyond my own. I found quotes and conference talks about the missionary work that I planned to share with her because I knew the first few days would be difficult.  I planned our first days to be both meaningful and memorable for her spending time with great members and my favorite investigators. 

Then she arrived.. And the moment we climbed our first hill she burst out balling. This was the first of many, many sobbing fits where she wailed ``I just want my mommmm.´´ Yeah. I am entirely serious. I tried to talk her though it. We took lots of breaks. She recieved a blessing from our district leader. Our zone leader offered his two sense. The assistents tried to help. President and Sister Del Guerso were basically on speed dial. Then she started complaining about her foot and said that she could not walk. So, under the direction of President, we spent the day in our apartment and I was basically pulling my hair out thinking of all the people we needed to be serving. As she slept I tried to have lessons over the phone. I also examined and reexamined our area book, watched the training DVDs, made a cake for some members and skimmed the mountain of Liahonas we have in our book shelves. I was so sad because I just wanted to be working! So I found a member with a car and we taught like normal at night. 

I have come to a few conclusions. First, absolutely nothing is wrong with her foot but rather, she is the laziest human on the planet. Second, as I was trapped at home, twiddling my thumbs and brainstorming things to do to keep busy, I decided that I absolutely love my mission. I love the good we are doing here. I love coming home and feeling physically and emotionally drained but just so so accomplished. Hard, dignified work is good for the soul. Third, I am beginning to realize just how precious our time here is. I will never have the opportunity to walk Campo Limpo favelas with Sister Valente belting Bon Jovi and Journey. I will never have the opportunity sprint home at 9:25 with Sister Dantas because we don´t want to arrive late but we just had so much to do! These moments and oh so many more are just memories now and I have an increased desire to cherish each and every moment here and after my mission too. 

Every day is not perfect but I am learing that there is something truly wonderful and almost perfect in each day. 

I tried to express this passion with this chick but unfortunately she did not catch the fire or see the vision. Last night we had a meeting with President and he said ``a mission is not a prison. Feel free to leave at any time.´´ So she is a gonner and I am not complaining! 

In other news, while it was a little bit harder to work this week, we found some new people with a lot of potential and had some really great lessons. Also, we had the most incredible stake activity to celebrate cupo do mundo. All the youth in the stake dressed up like different countries and decorated a room to comemorate cultures throughout the world. Then they put on an incredible presentation with music and dancing and ethnic food. It was seriously the most incredible church activity I have ever attended. The time that the young kids and the leaders put in is inspiring. Also, I was touched as I watched a few of our recent converts and even our investigator, Gilhereme participate.

 I left with the overwhelming feeling that our church is truly amazing. Where else can young kids get so much exposure to other incredible driven kids, culture, and a clean happy environment in this dark scary world. Now I am just hoping that his mom thought the same thing and will finally grant permission for him to be baptized! 

But the work is good. I am healthy and really happy. I am only  praying for a companion that is happy and wants to work hard. Basically another Sister Dantas. All will work out! 

Yours truly, 

Sister Lauren
                                                                                      last day in Campo Limpo

Called to be a trainer!
                                                                                                   Lots of FHEs

                       Cute Ice Cream Shop

                                                                                  a reunion with an old friend!!

                                                                           the culture activity. Welcome to Japan!!

                                                                          Sister Dantas xoxo

                                                                                         such a great surprise!

                                                                                                  sol agua!

Also, absolutely I will visit Seth!! We are alwaysss at the temple. 

Actually, such a neat experience, I saw my CTM professor, Irma Bueno at the temple. We at lunch together and we practiced lessons with my trainee. It was such a special experience to teach my professora again. But this time I think I did a lot better!

p.s.  I received the bank card finally! With the 100 dollars. A miracle actually because my package and even the envelope were all oppened by the post office. Pretty scketchy. But thank you! Do you remember my pin number? So much for an OVERNIGHT package thru the post office!

Sister Garcia is from South of Brasil, Rio Grande Do Sul State, Novo Hamburgo City.

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