Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Monday, November 24, 2014

November 24, 2104- Attitude of Gratitude... The choice is ours...

Hi family! I hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving. 

I absolutely love this holiday and not just because of the ever so enormous feast or because of the chance to catch up with beloved friends and family
because it is truly an opportunity to remember the many blessings we have been given. 

I think I have a new way to judge if a holiday really is meaningful by whether I can find a way to celebrate here in the mission field. For example... For Saint Patricks day I tried and tried but could not think of anything even a little sacred or meaningful. 
So this year even though I won´t get the quality family time and the thanksgiving food Sister Frandsen and I will try to whip up probably will not even begin to compete with what we are used to, we can always find something to be grateful for. 
So, here are my plans... I will find some scriptures and talks about gratitude and visit investigators and less actives inviting them to sit as a family and write down all the blessings that Heavenly Father has given them. And if you would like to do the same, all the better! 
Honestly, I feel like this holiday caught me at a very good time. Because these last few weeks have been a little more difficult than others. Just as I was recovering from the dog bite, I got an ear infection, and caught a virus/fever. And in case you were wondering, missionary work is so much more difficult when you are not feeling great. And, I think I lost my memory card which contains all the photos and videos from the last year of my life. Ouch. Don´t get me wrong. I don´t relate this things simply to complain. Honestly, I hate when people complain. But rather to explain why I am needing a little attitude of gratitude.... 

I think I need the chance to remember how much I have recieved underservingly from a loving Heavenly Father. Opportunities, blessings, etc. So here are a few of the current reasons I am grateful to be alive...

1. I have the best support system a girl could ask for. A mom who saves every single photo I sent home. A comfort which minimizes the pain I am feeling now. And a family who sends a constant stream of letters and packages just to keep me motivated. 

2. The chance to use a name tag and study/talk about Jesus all day. I mean, it is pretty cool that people really recognize us as God´s servants and listen to what we have to say. 

3. The many people I have been able to teach and help. I love transfers and zone conferences because I get to hear from all the missionaries who are serving in my old areas. I get to hear how they are progessing and growing firm in the faith. Recently I heard that Edson (the less active who baptized his daughter) and his wife are preparing to be sealed in the temple, that Edsilon is super strong and inviting all of his family and friends to share in his joy, that Teresinha (one of my first baptisms back in Campo Limpo) and Miguel (the man from Vila Sonia who took about 5 months to get baptized) both are so so strong and excited. Also, I visited Gabriela and she is now the president of the New members class and takes her calling very seriously! haha I am grateful for the gospel and the power it has to change lives! 

4. ALEXANDRE ACCEPTED A BAPTISM DATE!!! Actually, I was incredibly nervous to extend this kind of invite. More than usual because he is the typical intelectual. Cynical finance professor with lots of deep questions and doubts. Last week at church he asked us to show him the baptism font and I felt a little more at ease, but I was still nervous. But he accepted simply saying ``why not?´´ I was shocked and pleased. Last night we had a family home evening with them and a wonderful family from the ward and it was so fun! We had a message about eternal families and even played a game which required everyone to practice their animal sounds. And I made a funfetti cake! 

5. Edilson and Angela officially marked their wedding!! And soon after, their baptisms. Not until January, but it will be so cool. Especially for their recently returned missionary son Emerson who has waited a long time for this moment. 
I am grateful that families can be forever and that Heavenly Father trusted us enough to put a few great ones in our paths. I am grateful for the family I have now, and also the family I will have in the future. And I am grateful for all these experiences I am having here that will help me to be a better daughter, wife and mother. 

Love you all!

Sister Lauren

Calendar we made for a few of our investigators to help them get ready for baptism

Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17th- The Field is white! (11 months today)

Hi Family!! 

It was another great week! For a few reasons. 

1. We are teaching an amazing family. A few weeks were finishing our night and we decided, basically out of no where, to try and visit an investigator that lives kind of far away. We did not have much time so we were walking fast when we passed a man. I felt like we needed to talk to him so we backtracked a little and presented ourselves. He told us that he knew, exactly, who we were. Mormons. He explained that his wife, too, was a member and invited us in to talk to her. Turns out she was baptized when she was only 10 and she did everything. Young womens, seminary, institute. Then she met Alexandre, her husband, and fell away. Though, she never lost her testimony or even forgot a single thing she had learned. Through the years she kept feeling like she should go back but she just did not know how. 
She tried visiting church one time but they did not feel very welcome. Actuallyh the felt pretty awkward so they ended up leaving. T, a few months ago she found missionaries on the street and even gave her address and number pleading with them to visit her family. But... they never showed up. So Alexandre was getting a little annoyed. And then we stopped him on the street. (thank the heavens we listened to that prompting!) But they were all sorts of ready and waiting. They have a cute little 5 year-old son named Pietro who absolutely loves us and the church. Every week he proudly shows off the crafts and teaches us what he learned in primary. 
Alexandre is a college finance professor and at first he seemed stiff and closed off. Buttt he is melting like a popsicle. I think the mixture of seeing his wife and son so happy and feeling the spirit is really touching him. At an activity he even asked us to show him the baptismal font! And they came to watch 17 miracles with the ward and I think they were super touched. (ON a side note, watch this movie. I think sometimes we forget the sacrifices that all those who went before us made so that we could have such a wonderful gospel. The legacy of our church is truly inspiring.)

Another great moment was our open house. We have been planning it for quite some time and had sooo many invitations printed off. We invited ALL of Cotia and invited the members to do the same thing, but at first we did not have the best turn out. All the different organizations had decorated their class rooms all cute with pictures and videos and I got pretty worried that no one would show up. But then I remembered one of my favorite mission lessons.... In life we can choose fear OR faith. So we said a prayer and got going. We walked (ran) the streets reinviting everyone and actually basically dragging them in. But, it all turned out okay because now we have a book full of lots of address and at least all of these people know what we do inside the chapel. Further, everyone left feeling the spirit so strong. The members were more excited to help us realizing that missionary work is not very hard. You just gotta open your heart, follow the spirit and be a little persistent. Actually, they said that they want to start doing this every month! 

So yep, We did lots of other great things but I am out of time! Love you all and miss you like crazy. But the field is white and people want to learn! 

Com amor, 

Sister Lauren

Thanks!! Actually, President even commented on my skin. He said it is absolutely beautiful and whatever I am doing.. I should keep it up! So that´s cool. I take one pill every day just to make sure. But no. I don´t need anything!! At all. My feet were hurting lotsss. But Sister Frandsen was sweet enough to lend me/give me some shoes that made all the difference. So I will give her money. Probably dollars before she goes home. But I am great and not needing anyting
p.s.s. Oh, we do exercises every morning listening to our CD´s!! I think the exercises are paying off..  Sister Frandsen is so excited to go home. And I will know about my release date exactly one month from today. We get a letter telling us exactly what day and everything

Sunday, November 16, 2014

November 11, Nice note from Paulhino!

My dear, you have joy in my heart to be able to see the growth of your child in the things of the Lord, that joy to be near her and to see how she has grown in her testimony and how it makes a difference in the lives of other inmates, happening today is a large transfer of missionaries here and been here to bring the sisters of my ward and decided to see see my "Brazilian daughter." Eh and my family loved the gentleness and humility of his daughter. Her smile and sincerity has changed the lives of many people here in Brazil. Congratulations for having taught her daughter the way of the gospel.

Paulo Bergoc
Enviado via iPhone

Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10, 2014- Happy Birthday to ME!

Hi family!

So, first and formost I would like to thank all of you who helped make this birthday week of mine incredible and memorable. I am a very happy girl and let me tell you why...

First, my leg is healing just fine. It will be the ugliest of scars but at least maybe I can claim some bragging rights? As planned I went back to the hospital one more time for my rabbie shot. Let´s just say that the hospitals here in Cotia are the WOST. We ended up waiting for about 3 hours. But don´t you worry... It made for an excellent opportunity to make lots of friends and invite everyoneee to open house! If we don´t have at least one doctor/nurse/patient there I will be quite disappointed. 

Paulinho came by to make sure I was okay and even dropped of a few packages. SOO I had presents straight from home to open on my birthday! Victoria put together a taste of heaven.... cinnamon donuts, pumpkin chocolate chip bread and apple cider. mmmm. I lit a pumpkin candle, closed my eyes and and imagined myself in a cable-knit sweater with that ever so pleasant crisp fall air while enjoying some of the best masterpieces pinterest has to offer and it made for a few excellent pre-birthday mornings. 
November 8th I woke up to the sisters singing PARABÉNS! Followed by ``I don´t know about you but I´m feeling 22!´´ They even had a cake and all!!
Thennn we studied a little, and took off for a wonderful sushi lunch. Miraculously we found one more or less close by! 
After, we began our day. But let my tell you, birthday blessings were in the air! We left our investigators sobbing in every lesson! First we taught Luiz, a son of a recent convert. He actually has a daughter of his own who is about 15 and he was instantly impressed with the light and dignity he saw in us. He said that these are two qualities that are not easy to find in the world today. At the beginning he had lots of doubts and uncertainties, but we taught. Actually, I am pretty sure the spirit taught through us because at times I felt so sure about what to say that it was as if I was reading a script. To see a grown man bawling simply from being touched by our words and the spirit is a very gratifying thing. 
THEN, we met a very special woman named Selma and she invited us back later that day. As we got to know her before the lesson I asked one of my favorite ice breakers... ``If Jesus Christ were in your living room with us right now, what would you ask from him?´´ She told us that she felt like she has been lost for some time and would only like to be closer to him again. I told her ``good, because that is exactly why we are here. We are God´s servants called to represent His son Jesus Christ and He has put us in your life with a very special pupose.´´ And just like that she began to cry. And cry. We had a very special lesson. With a spirit so so strong. She agreed to be baptized and she came to church with us and loved it!

I can not even explain all the reasons this birthday will go down in history as one of my favorites. Maybe it was because my companion made sure to remind every contact, every lesson, every member we found that day about my special day so I recieved lots of lovin´ even from unknown strangers! Maybe it was because of the thoughtful letters and little gifts I recieved from Sister Farfal, my companions mom, the other sisters in the house. Or the birthday visit from the fossils last sunday. Maybe the little details made the difference. Like the fact that we did not have to wait even 5 minutes for the bus or that I was not bitten or yelled at for my beliefs the whole day! (people took our invites with poise and tact) Or maybe it was that the blessings did not stop as the sun went down, but Sunday we surprisingly had a chapel FULL or the less actives and investigators we are working with. 

But just know, that it was wonderful. And undeserved. But then again are any of our many blessings throughout life deserved? I learned this weekend something that I have already learned basically every day since I began this 18-month journey that I have a loving Heavenly Father that cares about me enough to even make sure that I had a very special birthday away from home. 
So in closing I would just like to use a few words of inspiration from our favorite, President Uchtorf. ``God sees [us] not only as mortal beings on a small planet who live for a brief season. He sees [us] as the being we are capable and designed to become and He wants us to know that we are important to Him. ´´

Have a wonderful week and don´t forget to recognize the tender mercies along the way! xoxo

Sister Lauren

p.s. So I got a rabies shot and it actually was not that bad. I was up and working soon after. Basically now I just have a really ugly leg but I feel fine! And thank you thank you for both of my packages. I actually opened the fall and birthday packages the same day and loved them both!! We lit the pumpkin candle right up and it was great to have a piece of home. I miss fall soo much.  Looks like my birthday party at home was a hit! Always can count on the Blackwelders! My birthday was incredible!! I will talk alot about it in the big email but I am happy!! 

Unfortunately my companion was transfered! So sad but at least I will stay here a while longer. We have lots of elders. Most of them are Brazilian. We have a few americans but honestly, we kind of keep our distance. We did have a gift exchange with them this week and I got some weird statue to ´´enlighten my personal study´´.
                                                                     my cake this year! missionary style

a companionship would not be complete without a temple selfie

                                                                   the dog wasn´t the only one who bites...

                                                                  our favorite little ones wishing me parabéns!

                                                                    rabies shots. we were NOT happy
                                                                        we found SUSHI!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November 4, 2014-Living the Missionary Life!

Hey Family!

I hope the week was wonderful! It was definitely... eventful for me. 

First off, as you all have probably heard, I reached an important mission mark this week... and learned why every returned missionary HATES dogs. As we were ever so dilligently handing out invitations for the open house we are planning, a random vicious dog was sleeping behind a huge dumpster and as I went to knock on the door he attacked... Yeah not to pretty. A little blood and teeth marks to show for the experience. But thankfully, Paulinho came to my rescue and took my immediately to the hospital. Tomorrow I will go back for rabies shots. That should be an adventure...

In other news, we laugh... a lot here in Cotia. For lots of reasons, but we are teaching some people that keep us laughing non stop. 
1. Sebastian. The classic chill old man. He is about 60 and always sitting on his front porch. We invited him, like everyone else we see, to come to church with us. He got pretty excited and told us he would most certainly be there. But he seemed a little out of it and we thought he probably would not remember the convo in the morning. So much so that we almost forgot to stop by Sunday morning. But, when everything fell through we thought of him. And guess what? He was ready with even freshly pressed clothes!! 
So this week we visited him and taught him how to pray. He seemed a little confused so I told him we would take it step by step and told him to repeat after me...
me: Pai Celestial
him: Pai Sebastian...
hmmm I guess that is a start...

2. Sofia... A little girl 8 year old girl we met on the wway hom from a pretty exhausting day. She absolutely lovvedd the fact that I speak English and matter a factly told us that she too speaks a foreign language. French. Then she began talking about her foregin travles using a whole lot of glottle sounds. Yep Sof... Sounds like French to me! After she began helping us with our last few contacts inviting everyone to our church! What a keeper

3. João... Another old grandpa. With lots of entertaining questions.. He told us that he will be baptized. He will. He just has to resolve a few doubts. The thing is, they usually have exactly nothing to do with what we are teaching. For example, we got through teaching what I thought was a very touching lesson on the first vision. We even showed a picture. When he said ``ohhh now I see. Yep understand perfectly. It was the light of the SUN that helped him see these things!´´ hmmm close. real close guess. 

4. Thiago... Actually, we took Thiago and his little sisters to our ward party last week. Seems like a real nice kid. Only one problem, I am pretty sure he is playing for the other team. (as mom would say) We had our doubts from the beginning. He is a hairdresser and has the dramatic hand gestures down to a T. He even told us about a ``special person´´ in his life but refused to disclose a name. But we knew with surety when Sister Santos´s camera went missing for a few minutes and we found him taking scowling model shots of his two sisters in some treee. He got super excited and said, Sisters, I found my calling in life! I will now be a photographer!!´´

But we had a few miracles! Our angel, Ana Lucia came to church this week with her entire family! And we had an incredible lesson. The spirit was so strong that at times I felt like I was reading a script. And, the wonderful woman we met last week Luana showed up at church! Actually a different ward because ours is starting in the afternoon right now. But she went alone and loved every minute of it!!! 
And, on our way home one night we found a man named Alexandre. He got super excited when he saw us and immediately invited us in. Turns outhis wife, Joyce was baptized years back but fell away for whatever reason. But she remembers everything. Seminary and young womens. And now she only wants to return and raise her son in the church. So we re teaching the whole family and it makes for lots of special moments. 

I am happy and well! Thanks for all the birthday love!


Sister Lauren


                                                                 halloween activity with President

                                                                                       picking blackberries
p.s. We were going door to door inviting people to our upcoming activity and this vicious dog was sleeping behind a huge trash can so we didn´t see him... well until it was too late... He attacked me pretty quick and I had to rip my leg out of his teeth. Then he went for my bag. But it came away unscratched. Indestructible that bag.. I bought sooo much medicine. For pain and infection. And tomorrow I will go back to the hospital to get a rabies shot. We went back to ask the owner if the dog has been vaccinated but she got super mad at us... yeah a little messed up. needless to say, the dumb dog will live on. But noo... definitely was not crying. Just a little stunned. I had to be brave of my companion would have fallen apart. She was pretty scared.  I managed to make a few contacts on the way back. I think people felt bad for me with my gushing wound. It will probably leave quite the ugly scar. Right now I have every one of his teeth imprinted on my leg. Awesome...

p.s.s He was chained up so I just had to get out of the way. Paulinho said that we needed to call you so that you wouldn´t send a taser to kill the dog! haha but no I´m good. Thanks! And I got my package! I will open it this saturday! I am excited!!

Monday, November 3, 2014

No letter from Lauren today but I did get a 1 minute call about her dog bite!!

dear family, okay? Today Lauren sister went through an accident where to make contacts to invite people to the rededication of the chapel, a dog chewed cinnamon Lauren. They entered contsro with the President of Mission and at the same time called me, I went to the home of Lauren and took her to the hospital the covenant of the mission, she was medicated, he was made a bandage and the doctor prescribed antibiotics and anti- inflammatory for her to take, tsmbem advised her that has passed into the public health service to be vaccinated against rabies. tomorrow she and all missionaries are going to the temple in partr am and in the afternoon, when tetornar temple, will pass the hospital to see the need to be vaccinated against rabies. Tomorrow I will be going to Campinas with Gary and Rose, so if she needs something and I nak is here she'll call my wife and she will take her to the doctor and help her with whatever they need. do not worry she is fine and as always Deliz smiling. Stphen if you have any further guidance let me know that I talk to her and if I have to speak with the doctor. Hugs for everyone.

Paulo Bergoc

November 2, 2014-Gary and Rose went to Lauren's ward today!

Dearest Lauren,
      We so enjoyed seeing you yesterday at Church.  A wonderful part was seeing you hearing
you play the piano.  For years we have  sometimes been to church in Brazil where there was no
one who could play piano and they used recorded music, sometimes with a piano and organ 
sitting there. I have felt guilty that I couldn't help by playing the piano with all of the piano lessons 
have had in my life.  Like I said earlier, when you were younger, the Church music is the most 
important music to learn when you take piano lessons.  You were wonderful and it was special 
to hear you play.  It is too bad they didn't have a beautiful piano like you had at home.
      We are looking forward to receiving your Monday letter as we do each week.  You are so
beautiful.  When you were playing the piano grandpa was crying.  We also loved hearing you 
bear your testimony in perfect Portuguese.  We are so proud of you.  Isn't Portuguese an incredible
language with its ways and means to express yourself?
       We love you very much.

Grandma and Grandpa
Gary Neeleman
Neeleman International 

Dear Christine and Stephen,
       I assume you already received the photo from Paulinho, but, we did go to 
Church in Lauren's ward where she played the piano for the singing and bore 
a very sweet testimony.  She had investigators there and introduced us to them.
We spent almost an hour visiting with her and her companion and she looks like
a million dollars.  We also met her bishop and several others.
Love you,
Gary and Rose

Gary Neeleman
Neeleman International
Honorary Consul of Brazil