Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17th- The Field is white! (11 months today)

Hi Family!! 

It was another great week! For a few reasons. 

1. We are teaching an amazing family. A few weeks were finishing our night and we decided, basically out of no where, to try and visit an investigator that lives kind of far away. We did not have much time so we were walking fast when we passed a man. I felt like we needed to talk to him so we backtracked a little and presented ourselves. He told us that he knew, exactly, who we were. Mormons. He explained that his wife, too, was a member and invited us in to talk to her. Turns out she was baptized when she was only 10 and she did everything. Young womens, seminary, institute. Then she met Alexandre, her husband, and fell away. Though, she never lost her testimony or even forgot a single thing she had learned. Through the years she kept feeling like she should go back but she just did not know how. 
She tried visiting church one time but they did not feel very welcome. Actuallyh the felt pretty awkward so they ended up leaving. T, a few months ago she found missionaries on the street and even gave her address and number pleading with them to visit her family. But... they never showed up. So Alexandre was getting a little annoyed. And then we stopped him on the street. (thank the heavens we listened to that prompting!) But they were all sorts of ready and waiting. They have a cute little 5 year-old son named Pietro who absolutely loves us and the church. Every week he proudly shows off the crafts and teaches us what he learned in primary. 
Alexandre is a college finance professor and at first he seemed stiff and closed off. Buttt he is melting like a popsicle. I think the mixture of seeing his wife and son so happy and feeling the spirit is really touching him. At an activity he even asked us to show him the baptismal font! And they came to watch 17 miracles with the ward and I think they were super touched. (ON a side note, watch this movie. I think sometimes we forget the sacrifices that all those who went before us made so that we could have such a wonderful gospel. The legacy of our church is truly inspiring.)

Another great moment was our open house. We have been planning it for quite some time and had sooo many invitations printed off. We invited ALL of Cotia and invited the members to do the same thing, but at first we did not have the best turn out. All the different organizations had decorated their class rooms all cute with pictures and videos and I got pretty worried that no one would show up. But then I remembered one of my favorite mission lessons.... In life we can choose fear OR faith. So we said a prayer and got going. We walked (ran) the streets reinviting everyone and actually basically dragging them in. But, it all turned out okay because now we have a book full of lots of address and at least all of these people know what we do inside the chapel. Further, everyone left feeling the spirit so strong. The members were more excited to help us realizing that missionary work is not very hard. You just gotta open your heart, follow the spirit and be a little persistent. Actually, they said that they want to start doing this every month! 

So yep, We did lots of other great things but I am out of time! Love you all and miss you like crazy. But the field is white and people want to learn! 

Com amor, 

Sister Lauren

Thanks!! Actually, President even commented on my skin. He said it is absolutely beautiful and whatever I am doing.. I should keep it up! So that´s cool. I take one pill every day just to make sure. But no. I don´t need anything!! At all. My feet were hurting lotsss. But Sister Frandsen was sweet enough to lend me/give me some shoes that made all the difference. So I will give her money. Probably dollars before she goes home. But I am great and not needing anyting
p.s.s. Oh, we do exercises every morning listening to our CD´s!! I think the exercises are paying off..  Sister Frandsen is so excited to go home. And I will know about my release date exactly one month from today. We get a letter telling us exactly what day and everything

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