Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Monday, November 24, 2014

November 24, 2104- Attitude of Gratitude... The choice is ours...

Hi family! I hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving. 

I absolutely love this holiday and not just because of the ever so enormous feast or because of the chance to catch up with beloved friends and family
because it is truly an opportunity to remember the many blessings we have been given. 

I think I have a new way to judge if a holiday really is meaningful by whether I can find a way to celebrate here in the mission field. For example... For Saint Patricks day I tried and tried but could not think of anything even a little sacred or meaningful. 
So this year even though I won´t get the quality family time and the thanksgiving food Sister Frandsen and I will try to whip up probably will not even begin to compete with what we are used to, we can always find something to be grateful for. 
So, here are my plans... I will find some scriptures and talks about gratitude and visit investigators and less actives inviting them to sit as a family and write down all the blessings that Heavenly Father has given them. And if you would like to do the same, all the better! 
Honestly, I feel like this holiday caught me at a very good time. Because these last few weeks have been a little more difficult than others. Just as I was recovering from the dog bite, I got an ear infection, and caught a virus/fever. And in case you were wondering, missionary work is so much more difficult when you are not feeling great. And, I think I lost my memory card which contains all the photos and videos from the last year of my life. Ouch. Don´t get me wrong. I don´t relate this things simply to complain. Honestly, I hate when people complain. But rather to explain why I am needing a little attitude of gratitude.... 

I think I need the chance to remember how much I have recieved underservingly from a loving Heavenly Father. Opportunities, blessings, etc. So here are a few of the current reasons I am grateful to be alive...

1. I have the best support system a girl could ask for. A mom who saves every single photo I sent home. A comfort which minimizes the pain I am feeling now. And a family who sends a constant stream of letters and packages just to keep me motivated. 

2. The chance to use a name tag and study/talk about Jesus all day. I mean, it is pretty cool that people really recognize us as God´s servants and listen to what we have to say. 

3. The many people I have been able to teach and help. I love transfers and zone conferences because I get to hear from all the missionaries who are serving in my old areas. I get to hear how they are progessing and growing firm in the faith. Recently I heard that Edson (the less active who baptized his daughter) and his wife are preparing to be sealed in the temple, that Edsilon is super strong and inviting all of his family and friends to share in his joy, that Teresinha (one of my first baptisms back in Campo Limpo) and Miguel (the man from Vila Sonia who took about 5 months to get baptized) both are so so strong and excited. Also, I visited Gabriela and she is now the president of the New members class and takes her calling very seriously! haha I am grateful for the gospel and the power it has to change lives! 

4. ALEXANDRE ACCEPTED A BAPTISM DATE!!! Actually, I was incredibly nervous to extend this kind of invite. More than usual because he is the typical intelectual. Cynical finance professor with lots of deep questions and doubts. Last week at church he asked us to show him the baptism font and I felt a little more at ease, but I was still nervous. But he accepted simply saying ``why not?´´ I was shocked and pleased. Last night we had a family home evening with them and a wonderful family from the ward and it was so fun! We had a message about eternal families and even played a game which required everyone to practice their animal sounds. And I made a funfetti cake! 

5. Edilson and Angela officially marked their wedding!! And soon after, their baptisms. Not until January, but it will be so cool. Especially for their recently returned missionary son Emerson who has waited a long time for this moment. 
I am grateful that families can be forever and that Heavenly Father trusted us enough to put a few great ones in our paths. I am grateful for the family I have now, and also the family I will have in the future. And I am grateful for all these experiences I am having here that will help me to be a better daughter, wife and mother. 

Love you all!

Sister Lauren

Calendar we made for a few of our investigators to help them get ready for baptism

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