Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Monday, August 25, 2014

August 25, 2014- another miracle!!

Hi family!! 

I have come to the conclusion that the mission is just full of rollar coaster weeks. I guess, it is part of the missionary process.. to experience oposition at its finest. And up until very recently I was planning on classifying it as possibly the hardest week of my mission. Towards the middle of the week I was wondering if I was doing something wrong because everything seemed to be crumbling. BUTT Heavenly Father did what he always does best and sent us our very on little miracle. But... here is the story...

So, winter (if you can call it that) is officially over and it is hot, hot, hot here. And while we had lots of plans, all of them fell through. We spent lots of time climbing hills and knocking doors, checking off our plano A, B, C and D´s with little success. But, we had one, salving grace: Edmilson. He was still struggling with smoking, and we tried the whole cut it down proccess for a while but he got stuck at 5 cigarrettes. So I gave a little tough love and told him he just needed to stop completely. I told him to imagine that he had an infection in his arm and had to amputate it. However, he could choose the method. With a butter knife or a machete. We decided that the machete would be less painful in the long run and he agreed to stop cold turkey. And guess what?! IT WORKED!! He stopped and we were just thrilled. Passed his baptism interview and all systems were a go. 

But then... the unthinkable happened. He disappeared. We tried visiting him 2 1/2 long and terrible days without success. We called him basically every hour with not so much as an answer. We dropped off the baptism invites and I wrote a letter and we just tried our best to be patient. So I thought, for sure he messed up and was feeling a little embarrassed. Then, we stopped by one night and this terrible woman named Venusa (doesn´t it just sound like the name of a vilian?) told his that he was not home. He was at the bar.... drinking... Yeah I was desvestated. So, what did we do? Tried to remember all the bars in the area and passed in front of every one. haha In retrospect I dont know what we would have done if he was actually in one of them, but we did not really think through that at the time. So we thought the baptism was called off and just tried to move on.

UNTILLL (cue the miracle drum roll) he called us Saturday afternoon and told us that he was home and we should stop by!! Guess what? He was totally fine and excited for his big day! Turns out he had to run some important errands on the other side of town but told Venusa to advise us. But Venusa is not really a fan of us because I think she kinda wants to date him and is not to fond of the new, improved, church-going Edmilson. So she completely lied!!! But long story short, EDMILSON WAS BAPTIZED!!!! 

And it was an incredible program. He asked us to speak because he said that we changed his life. And I ended up playing the piano and we sang together. And we made brigadeiros. We threw it all together Saturday night but it turned out to be an incredible program. So special! And his testimony was priceless. 

So here is the moral of the story family.... The storm will always pass. There is light at the end of the tunnel. The longest night will always end un a beautiful sunrise. We just gotta keep our stamina long enough to make it there. As the young Joshua discovered in the old testament, when we are strong and of good courage, trying to keep the commandments of the Lord, he will always be at our side. Joshua felt lots of pressure and all sorts of inadequacy to fill the footsteps of the popular Moses as Prophet, but with the help of the Lord, he did it, and we can too! As Winston Churchill so eloquently said ``Never, never, never give up!´´

Love you! Boa Semana!

Sister Lauren

Sister Farfal (with her new cloths)

Look what I found!!!!
a horse in my area!! just hanging out, no fence

The Zoo-P-Day

The Zoo!!

GRAFFITI! My new land marks

                                                                                           miguel´s baptism!

No can opener in Brazil- Lauren opening the can with the knife

Another letter from a Lady in Lauren's last area!

I loved your card.  The words you wrote were like a smooth salve.  To be called a mother by a young person so 
valiant is an honor.  Thank you for considering me your Brazilian mother and for the honor of allowing me to help you during your mission,  with simple things, but with love. I hope you will find other Brazilian mothers that can help you during your mission, but I hope I will always be your favorite.  Hahaha.  When you want to call meI will bring soup to you.  And, yes, Luigi found a good mother on his mission, Sister Angela, who has done a lot
for him.  She made his favorite meal and I am sending photos of the dinner.  Heavenly Father is always looking after his missionaries and their parents and I am proof of this.
Thank you for your love and caring and know I am alway here when necessary.  Call me collect at 9.011.96572.0280 and I will come running.
I love you,
Your Brazilian mother Raquel Frederico
Look at the photo of Filipe, Priscila Bonina's baby he is getting big.

From Lauren; You will love this woman!! I am so excited for you to meet her next year. And she is so excited too!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Raquel Frederico

Adorei seu cartão!! As palavras foram como um bálsamo. Ser chamada de mãe por uma jovem tão valorosa como você é uma honra
Obrigada por me considerar uma boa mãe e pela honra de ajudá-las na missão, com coisas simples mas com muito amor. 
Espero que encontre boas mães ainda pela missão mas eu vou ser sempre a sua preferida!!! Hehehehe 
Quando quiser me chame que vou levar sopa para vocês!!!!!
E saiba que sim, Luigi encontrou uma boa mãe na missão, Ir Angela tem feito muito por ele. 
Ela fez a comida preferida dele, te mando as fotos. O Senhor sempre está olhando por seus missionários e seus pais e eu sou prova disso. 
Obrigada por seu carinho e amor e saiba que estou aqui quando precisar. 
Ligue a cobrar. 9.011.96572.0280 e vou correndo
Amo você
Mamãe Raquel Frederico

Raquel M Pacheco Frederico

Monday, August 18, 2014

August 18, 2014- 8 months!!! Sushi and a Baptism-ONE HAPPY GIRL!

Hi family!! 

I am here in the depths of Sao Paulo working hard. Yeah Ness count your lucky starts that you have the beach near by. And just know that life is so very different here. But actually, the grafiti that used to scare me is actually a pretty good road marker. Because aside from the spray paint, all the streets look practically idential. 

The highlight of the week was Miguel´s baptism. Seriously, it was so cool. I dont know if you will even remember him because we found him 5 months ago! But he was seriously so ready. His questions and insights were incredible. We had lots and lots of deep discussions about the gospel and I was so so impressed with his prepardness. Actually, I taught him with threedifferent companions. So when he dropped us unexpectedly I was so so sad! I started to make a list of ``hopefuls.´´ People that I prayed for and crossed my fingers would show up at church. One day Sister Farfal saw my list and said ``you´re crazy! there is no hope with Miguel. Just give up already!´´ But guess what?!! He came around!! And president gave me permission to go to the baptism! He looked so happy! So special! 

Also, Edmilson is all set to be baptized this weekend!! He is super excited. Reading the Liahona, the book of Mormon, and now the gospel principles book every day. He still has to completely stop smoking, but I am hoping the baptismal interview on Wednesday will help out with that. He is down to 5 a day but now we just got to get to zero. He came to church, alone, again! And he even asked for pass-a-long cards to give to his family and friends at work. He is really great!

We are teaching a few families but they did not come to church yesterday because the morning was a little bit cold. Yeah lame excuse I know... 

Oh buttt cool experience... we have these neighbors that live in front of us. The wife was baptized a little while ago but the husband does not really want anything to do with the church. But he likes us missionaries. A lot. He found out that we like sushi so he invited us over last night and made a hugggeee sushi feast for us. Seriously, it was incredible and so touching. Especially because members generally dont show the same kind of love and compassion that he showed as he delicately cut a mountain of fresh salmon for us. After we ate he asked us... ``you girls are young and have soo many options at this point. why in the world are you here in Brazil doing this.´´ He went on to talk about all the other religions in the world and how none of them send their young kids out to do what we do. We explained a little bit of doctrine and things but I could tell he was not satisfied with the response. So finally I said... ``I dont know all the reasons why we are here. It is definitely not a dream I always had. But I cant put into words or express my gratitude adequately for the gospel. I can only try to help others feel the same why I do.´´ He could not argue. After we sang Im trying to be like Jesus in English and Portuguese. He began to cry so I guess he was sufficiently touched. Yes, it worked. 

But have a great week. Love you and miss you all. Lots. 

Sister Lauren

half way!? crazy! some days I never want to come home. A lot of this week I spent counting the days. But I guess that is how life is right? Oh I got my 8 month package this week! the one you sent in the mail. thank you. 

Sister Wood. my companion. She is actually really great. She is picking up Portuguese so freaking fast. She has a natural gift to speak the accent so well. It is actually kind of annoying because I have worked so hard for 8 months and she has been teaching in English! But maybe the gift of tounges in proportional to the time you have in the field or something. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

August 11, 2014- Living in the Past!

Hello Family!! 

Life is good here in the new area. I would be lying if I said I did not miss Vila Sonia. a lot. The members were just so incredible and they took care of us so well. So many nights we got phone calls saying ``Sisters! It is a little bit chilly out so we made you a soup! Come by after your appointments tonight!´´ One night a family dropped off an entire chicken! And we passed the temple almost every day. And our lunches with members were so incredible. Like seriously, you would think they were dining with the king of England or something. 

But it is all good. Life goes on. I talked to Sister Farfal this week at a conference we had for all the sisters of the mission and I was flatered. She said that every morning she wakes up and sees my bed and just wants to sob. She said that every one of her phrases started with ´´Sister Lauren...´´ Finally her new companion said ``I don´t really want to hear a play by play of your time with Sister Lauren.´´ hahaha And Wendy and family have not completely forgotten about me yet! The little one, Aya, prays every night that her mom will get baptized so that I can come back for the special day. so  sweet! ANDDD remember Miguel?! the Bolivian we were teaching sometime back who dropped us out of the blue? Well, the Saturday before I got transfered he called and said that he made a terrible mistake and wants to be baptized now. Turns out we (and more importantly our message) were unforgetable! yayyy I feel like a pround mama! 

This mission thing is somewhat strange. Because we go from spending every waking and sleeping moment with someone. Seriously, the good moments and the times when we have a strong desire to pull our hair out. We fast, pray, cry, laugh, study... and then, out of now where everything changes in a blink of an eye. Sucks. I am living vicariously through her still. Really, living in the past. 

But, my new companion is good. Very very patient and constant. I was not quite sure if she had a personality or not until we taught a lesson in English the other day. And yes, she is actually rather funny. The problem is she is still stuck in robot mode when she speaks Potuguese. Normal. But she is super smart and learning fast. 
Ohhh funny story.. the other day we attempted to make pumpkin chocolate chip cookies with the supplies mom sent. Only problem is... a can opener is something that Brazil does not know very much about yet. Sooo we used a butter knife. After about 50 gashes and only a small battle wound we finally pried the can open. But the cookies were totally worth it. A taste of a magical Utahn fall. mmm

The work here is coming along. We are teaching a few families that seem to have potential. One, we found as we were totally lost and asking everyone and their dog for help. Usually we offer to serve people as a way to make a contact, but turns out asking for help can work wonders too! haha. 

We are also teaching a man named Edmilson. Actually we met his friend in the streets and marked a visit with her. But, she totally forgot and when we showed up they were having somewhat of a party. We began to teach this woman and I had a feeling that I should invite her two friends to listen. Edmilson was drinking and smoking, and the other friend was flaming gay so they did not seem (at least initially) to have a lot of promise. But when we began to teach, Edmilson began to cry. He told us that he has been wanting to make a change for quite sometime but he just did not have the tools to do it alone. We invited him to be baptized and he accepted right away. We invited him to church the next day and he went! He went with us to a family home evening at a members house, and yesterday he went to church again! He has stopped drinking coffee and alcohol and we are working with him on the cigarrettes. It is a process for sure, but he is willing to change and it is exciting to see his process. His pure desire to be a good example to his two married children is inspiring! 

So, I am happy and well. Love you all and have a great week!

Sister Lauren

p.s.   Sister Farfal absolutely lovedddd her packages. She actually calls you tia Christine now. And truly mom, she needed that. She said she opened the package and just cried. So thank you, thank you! President asked for your email to write you a thank you note but they loved the painting too!! My companion is good. A little quite but nice. She is 20 and studied for one year in Colorado before the mission. We life in a little house with two other great sisters and it is very fun! Today we are going to a zoo on P day. Have a great week! Love you!

An email from a family in Villa Sonia;

Oi minha querida e amada!!!

Amei receber seu email e seu cartão! Muitíssimo obrigada! Você é muito gentil e amorosa! uma filha muito amada do Pai Celestial e tenho certeza que Ele está muito feliz com seu trabalho e dedicação. Amo seu sorriso e a alegria que você sempre demonstra!

Claro que seremos amigas para sempre. Quando seus pais vierem buscá-la, quero muito conhecê-los. Vocês estão convidados para vir na minha e comer conosco. Será uma honra e privilégio! E se depois que você terminar a missão quiser passear aqui, as portas estarão abertas para você. Falo muito para minhas filhas que são casadas e que moram no Rio e Porto Alegre que você é um verdadeiro anjo. Ontem uma delas disse: Como está o seu anjo? Agora que tenho seu endereço, vou lá nos Estados Unidos visitá-la. Hahaha

Você é um grande exemplo para todos que convivem com você! Parabéns!!! Você me inspira a ser uma pessoa melhor. Muito obrigada!

Nós temos muita saudades, mas estamos felizes que você pode abençoar a vida destas outras pessoas que estão na sua nova Ala.

Parabéns!!! Seu português é perfeito! Nunca vi nenhum missionário americano escrever com tanta perfeição. Fiquei muito impressionada! 

Uma excelente semana! Que o Pai Celestial guie os seus passos e de sua companheira e que os anjos estejam ao seu redor. Que vocês sejam conduzidas aos eleitos. Oramos sempre por vocês!

Com todo o meu amor, MEU ANJO!!! Tem algo que posso fazer para ajudá-la?



To my dear beloved,
        I loved receiving your email and your card.  Thank you so very much.  You are very kind and loving!  A loved daughter of our Heavenly Father and I am certain that Heavenly Father is very pleased with your hard word and dedication.   I love your beautiful smile and happy disposition, which you alway demonstrate.
        For certain, we will be friends forever.  When your parents come bring them here as I would like very much to know them.  You are invited to come to our home for dinner.  It will be an honor and a privilege for us.  If after your mission you want to come here and visit the doors will always be open for you.  I have told my married daughters that live in Rio and Porto Alegre that you are truly an angel.  Now that I have your address, I will go to the United States to visit you-- hahahha.
        You are an excellent example for everyone around you.  Congratulations.  You inspire me to be a better person.  Thank you so much!
         We miss you very much, but we are also pleased that you are able to bless the lives of the people in your new ward.
          Congratulations, your Portuguese is perfect.  I have never seen a missionary write Portuguese as well as you do.  I am very impressed.
         Have a very good week and I pray that our Heavenly Father will guide your steps, and those of your companion that the angels will surround you and that you will be guided to the elite.  We pray always for you.
        With all my love, my angel.  If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know.


Monday, August 4, 2014


President was actually incredible! He said yes sister, just don't get homesick afterwards. I think the trick was just to gain his confidence. But now I think he likes and trusts me so we are in business! I am actually super happy I called and talked to him because I would have felt pretty guilty if not. But they loved the painting!!! Sister Del Guerso called to thank me!

And it was so great! So fun to talk with her and Victoria. I struggled lots to remember English but its all good! My companion is good. She is a little quiet but very nice and easy.

A letter sent to Lauren by a lady in her last area when she found out Lauren was transfered!

Olá querida Sister Lauren! Pedi seu e-mail para sua companheira e ela me deu e disse que não tem problema, se eu estiver fazendo algo errado me avise. Ficamos muiiiiiiiiiiiiiiito tristes que você foi transferida!!! Com este pouco tempo em que convivemos, aprendemos a amar muito você! Com seu entusiasmo, alegria e seu sorriso constante e lindo! Foi maravilhoso ter você na nossa ala! Você abençoou nossas vidas e fez um trabalho magnífico! Sei que o Senhor está muito contente com seu trabalho tão fiel e dedicado!

Queria muito que você estivesse lá, ontem. Sabe a Marcela, a menina que vocês batizaram na semana anterior? Ela levantou na Reunião de Testemunhos e prestou um testemunho maravilhoso. Inacreditável! Como se ela fosse membro há muitos anos. Toda a congregação ficou tocada pelo doce espírito! E a mãe estava sentada ao meu lado e chorou muito! A Marcela disse que vai orar SEMPRE para que sua mãe possa ser batizada.E com certeza, ela será! Olha a Sandra Tobias é uma pessoa difícil e não concordamos com muitas coisas que ela faz. Parabéns! Foram batismos de ouro!!! Ah! E a outra menina disse que jejuou. Que belo exemplo!

Sinto tanto amor por você! É como se nos conhecêssemos há muito tempo e apenas nos encontramos. Sei que éramos amigas na  pré- existência! A Larissa sente a mesma coisa! Queremos continuar com sua amizade!

Estamos orando por se sucesso na nova área! Se precisar de alguma coisa, por favor, avise-nos!

Um grande beijo e uma maravilhosa semana!

Zuleika Grahl


Dear Sister Lauren,

     I asked your companion for your email address and she gave it to me and said there was no problem if I wrote to you.  If I did something wrong, please let me know.
     We were very sad that you were transferred.  In the short time we knew you we learned to love you very much.  With your enthusiasm, your happiness and your beautiful smile you are constantly beautiful.
It was wonderful to have you in our ward.  You blessed our lives and performed wonderful work.  I know that Heavenly Father is very happy with your hard work and dedication.
      I wish so much that you could have been in our Sacrament Meeting yesterday when Marcela, the girl that was baptized that you taught bore her testimony.  She stood up and bore a marvelous testimony!  It was as
if she had been a member of the Church for years!  The entire congregation was touched by her sweet spirit.  Her mother, who sat by my side at Church cried so hard.  Marcela said she was was going to pray constantly that her mother could be baptized.  Without doubt she will be.
     Sandra Tobias is a difficult person and we don't always agree with the things she does.  Congratulations!!!  This baptism was a golden person.  The other girl said she fasted.  What a great example!
     I have so much love for you, it seems I have know you for years, and yet it was for such a short time.  I know we were friends in the pre-existence.  A Larissa feels the same way and we want to continue our friendship.
      We are praying for success in your new area and if you need anything, just tell us.
      A big kiss and have a wonderful week.
Zuleika Grahl

August 4, 2014- Mappin it!

Hi family!

I am alive and well. This week this statement has a lot more significance than most because we spent a good majority of our first few days here totalllyyy lost. You see.. here is the issue... Remember how I needed a GPS to successfully arrive at high school my first day.... yeah some things never change. My companion is brand new (in Brazil at least) and still struggling sufficiently with Portuguese. And actually, she could be worse at map reading than me.
Just imagine it: two American girls relying desperately on a map and absolutely butchering all the street names (fun fact: every street has at minimum 3 names) when we finally asked for directions. Yeah comic relief for sure. The highlight, or low light depending on how you look at it, was when we got on the wrong bus one night and ended up in a city about an hour away from our house. Ouch.

Which leads to an important spiritual realization I had this week: There is nothing better than finally making it home. After days of wandering in strange paths, lost and confused, when we finally arrived safe and sound we felt an indescribable peace. I felt so proud of our accomplishment. And guess what? I am offering that same peace, but on a much deaper level, to so many here!  Finding the right path is miraculous!

This work is pretty great.

Also, because people have never seen or heard from missionaries, they are by and large accepting us with open arms. On Saturday and Sunday we managed to mark an appointment every half hour for the entire day! And this week we managed to find 25 new investigators! It is a crazy and super busy time but I would not want to be any where else.

And finally, I just want to give a shout out to you, my incredible family. Paulinho dropped off an ENORMOUS suitcase filled with all my favorites. New skirts... and it is a good thing too. I was starting to feel like a one skirt sarah. jk  And just lots of other things that heaven knows I probably did not need but I am not complaining!

And congrats dad! Big week for HealthEquity and I am so proud of you!

And Seth! Welcome to the club! You will love it!

Com Amor,

Sister L.

Mom, Thank you so so so much for all of the things you sent me. Seriously I you absolutely exceeded my expectations! The clothes are absolutely perfect. The purple package was incredible! I loved the skirt so much I wore it two times this week! But I can do that because it is reversable!! Such an incredible idea.

cecilia. Gabriela´s mom