Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1, 2014- So VERY Happy!

Hi Family!!!!
So, this was a very memorable and incredible week and best believe that I am so very THANKful. For many reasons. Heavenly Father reminded me, once again, of the lesson that he has already taught me oh so many times during my short time here in Brazil: that he loves me and is grateful for my service and that he is taking care of me with every step.
First, MY MIRACLE.... So I was all sorts of bummed about my memory card. So many photos, videos and memories. I tried to accept that I would just have to beg my old companions and cut my losses but every night I ended up imagining each and every photo that I was missing. And I prayed. A lot. I knew exactly the two places it could have been, both of which outside our house because these were the only places I had used my camera this week and the card was in the case. And believe me, I searched these places well. Then one morning we had an appointment and I came home to my card!!!!! waiting for me on my desk with a little note saying ``I listen to your prayers. Love Deus.´´ Turns out, the sisters decided to clean under the blanket spralled out on the floor that we have been using for the last MONTH to do exercieses in the mornings. And there, laid my card. I have no idea how it got there because like I said, I only used my card outside the house and it has only been missing for a week. But then again, I marvel at God and his power everyday so what else is new? Long story short... I am a very happy girl.
Also, We are living the missionary dream teaching lots of families. It actually has become quite funny because right now we are only finding couples. Couples that need to get married legally and everything else but all have a lot of potential. Alexandre and Joyce are as great as ever!! We had two family home evenings with them this week in the homes of different members. So cool to see them being accepted so well. Alexandre had a doubt this week that led to a very inspired personal study. He can´t imgine how he could possibly forgive himself for all of the things he has done throughout his life. I studied a little about the atonement and the present Christ has given to completely forgive ourselves so that we can go forward continuing to better ourselves every day. Like one of our favorite books exemplifies with the example of Jean Valjean, this gift of redemption is oh so very powerful. I am grateful for the knowledge that ``However late we think we are, however many chances we think we have missed, however many mistakes we feel we have made or talents we think we don’t have, or however far from home and family and God we feel we have traveled, we never can travel beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for us to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines.” (Elder Holland) And between him and a few less actives (and their families)  we are bringing back I am grateful for my role in this process. To testify that God is a god of second changes and new beginnings.
Also, Sister Frandsen and I did end up whipping our own thanksgiving dinner. We used chicken instead of turkey and our mashed potatoes had the same consistency as play dough but I made a pumpkin role with cream cheese frosting in the middle that was simply divine. Also, the night of thanksgiving we got invited to eat with one of our very favorite families in the ward. We actually ate parmessean chicken but it did not matter one bit. With thanksgiving, as basically everything else in life, really it is who we are with and not what we do that makes the difference.
This week I adopted a dog. A cute little thing that likes to follow us to all of our appointment and waits patiently outside. And a little girl Bianca said that we are her veryy best friends and that she has never met adults she likes as much as us. We became very grateful that we have been applying the missionary motto ``teach when you find, find when you teach`` as we are now teaching this cute couple that drives a little car selling churros. They seem so very great and we are still waiting for the free churros to start! haha and we are teaching a man named Luiz that delivers gas on his motorcycle day and night. This week our gas went out just as we were making our very favorite Columbian dish rice and avacado (sounds weird but is delicious and  has seen us through this transfer) when our gas ran out. So who did we call?! LUIZ and he helped us right away. Having investigators in all trades is actually a very good idea.
So many other things happened, but I hope I covered some of the highlights. Love you all and let the Christmas countdown begin!! Advent calendars and all. I am seriously contemplating making a paper chain. We´ll see if I can find the time today!
Boa Semana

Sister Lauren

                                                                                            alexandre e joyce FHE

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