Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Monday, December 22, 2014

December 22, 2014- Feliz NATAL!!

Oi Familia!! Feliz NATAL!!!

I hope this week is just wonderful for you! I know it will be just great here in the southern hemisphere. A lot more sunny, a lot fewer decorations, traditions and no family time (except the skype call that is) but it will be great because we will make it that way!

Yesterday I gave a talk in church, (not really anything new. Here we give talks monthly), but I talked a lot about Christmas so I got a chance to think about all of my wonderful Christmas memories. I remembered countless time choosing families that seemed to be struggling a bit financially and deciding as a family what they could be needing for Christmas. I love imaniging the families oppening the surprises together on Christmas morning and became so happy! I remember the year we decided to make bankets for those who weren´t so fortunate as to have a warm bed to snuggle into. We invited everyone over for Sunday dinner and after we ate, we went to work cutting and tying endless fabric. Afterwards, we wrapped it all and Christmas morning after we oppened our presents, we destributed the blankets close to the homeless shelter in Salt Lake. I will never forget the cute little boy who joyfully threw his present up in the air, exclaiming that it would be the first present he would open. And the nativity... how can I forget the nativity. The used but ever-so-loved costumes and the race to be Mary and Joseph. Dad reciting Luke and everyone singing together.
I also thought about the sibling gift exchange on Christmas Eve that became almost sacred to us. The opportunity to chose something special for each and every of our brothers and sisters. The presents never costed a lot but they were such an expression of love and thoughtfulness and always left me so touched.

As I thought, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for our traditions and our family. I never once questioned the real meaning of Christmas. Don´t get me wrong, I loved the wonderful things we got to open and am grateful that Santa Claus was ever so good to us, but that only came second after the wonderful chance to remember Christ, doing the things that he would do on a yearly basis.

As I thought about my last year (on a side note I can NOT believe it has already been a year) her in Brazil, I realized that in a lot of ways, I have celebrated Christmas every day of the year! You see...

Christ went about doing good”
(Acts 10:38), yet was despised for it. His gospel was a
message of peace and goodwill. He entreated all to follow
His example. He walked the roads of Palestine, healing
the sick, causing the blind to see, and raising the dead. He
taught the truths of eternity, the reality of our premortal
existence, the purpose of our life on earth, and the potential
for the sons and daughters of God in the life to come. (the Living Christ)

And I have tried, earnestly to do these same things, serving, helping, teaching and testifying. I have seen the lives of so many change as they learned to accept Christ as their Savior. So, when it comes down to it, this year I can live without the snow and the music and the decorations. And I will manage with a 40 minute convo from the family. Because Christmas can become an integral part of us when we let it!

On a side note, this week was wonderful. Our people our progressing just great and we got oh so many invites to lunch and dinner with basically everyone we know, investigators, members and even Paulinho and fam! I can´t wait! And our Christmas party was so much fun! We spent the day in jeans! Laughing and catching up. Lots of food and friends so it was a wonderful day! Love you all!!

Sister Lauren

                                                                                 Sister Borges and Sister Burch

                                                                                                 minha filinha

                                                                                I gave her my extra camera!

                                                                         I introduced my companion to sushi!

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