Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Monday, September 15, 2014

September 15, 2014- 9 Mesas!

It was a very exciting week. Lots of storieesss. 

The first was not exactly so great but I guess you just gotta laugh about these kinds of things... So Rose and Camile were all sorts of ready and excited for baptism. We had already taught all the lessons various times. Here, a big and reoccuring problem is that people just don´t really get married. They just live together, wear rings, and call eachother husband and wife. Strange I know... So any time we sit down to teach a family the very first thing we ask is if they are actually, legally married. And Rose said yes!! In fact, she even showed us pictures and videos of her wedding!! Yeah turns out, she did not actually get married, but rather had a party and called it a wedding. Furtherrr she can´t get married or she will lose a government pension she is recieving for one of her sons whose birth dad died. She will recieve money until he is 24 and right now he is only 7... soo yeah it is probably not going to work out too well. bummer. 

The second.... we went to lunch with the other sisters the other day and when we clapped and called, the irmã did not not come to the gate. At first we thought she forgot or something. Yeah, not cool but not totally uncommon in the life of a missionary. THEN her neighbor came to the gate and explained that actually she and her daughter and grandaughter had run away a few days earlier. Uhhh. Turns out, her daughter (who we have already eaten with) is super in to the whole drug thing. Buying. Selling. So, in a few business-deals-gone-bad she ended up killing some people. And now, logically, they are on the run. He showed us her house and it appears as if they truly left everything and ran. Including their uneaten lunch on the counter. I was just a bit frightened. but then again, how many people can say that they lunched with a murderer?

On a slightly different, more spiritual note, one day this week we stopped at a little store to buy water and a man named Davi stopped me and asked ``you are not Brasileiros are you?´´ I mean, we usually get that question when we open our mouths, but we had not even said anything!! haha but turns out, he and his family recieved the discussions from two American elders about 25 years ago. He actually went to church a few times and everything, but he told me that his priorities were just messed up. BUT, he never forgot the missionaries or the peace they left in his house. He gave us his address and asked him to visit him on Sunday afternoon. Turns out he lives in the chic/condo part of our area that is pretty difficult to enter without an invite. And next door to two of the only two strong member-families in our ward. So, we invited a member along with us and had an incredible lesson. Seriously, so wonderful! 
Turns out, his mom died this week and he was wishing and praying for something more and then we walked right back in their lives! We will visit he and his wife again Wednesday at 2. They even put a reminder on the refrigerator so they won´t forget! So cross your fingers or say a prayer, whatever you fancy, por favor. 

But yeah, I am a happy girl who just reached 9 months!! A missionary tradition is to take a prego picture at this part of the journey, but I think I´ll pass mainly because I really don´t want any sort of picture where I look mobidly obese for as long as possible. But I have what I think is a much better idea... the nine reoccuring lessons I have learned from this mission of mine... 
1. Miracles happen. Especially when we put our faith in our Heavenly Father. Anddd, when we go the extra mile and go without food and water for a while. 
2. Positive thinking is an art and a necessity here in the field. For example, you could think of the ônibus as a hot, sweaty, dangerous place packed with people bouncing and banging around uncontrolably... OR you can think of it as a ride, more exhilerating than even California Screamin´and an excellent opportunity to develop quick reflexes and agility. The choice is always ours!
3. Every missionary needs the ABC´s... 
I feel very lucky/blessed to be getting plenty of all three. Definitely more than I deserve. 
4.  It is possible to love anyone. literally anyone when you both are wearing name badges, representing Christ, and taking part in miracles every day.
5. There is a certain charm in simplicity. Rotating between 5 skirts is not the very worst thing that could happen to a girl
6. When you walk a lot. and I mean A LOT it is possible to feel a never-ending, serging foot pain. But vinager and really hot water make for a great temporary remedy!
7. Maps are not foes but friends. When you learn how to read them correctly, they actually contain a lot of really useful information. 
8. Getting a lot of unwelcome cat calls, marriage proposals, and corny pick p lines  from these forward Brazilian mens is a very interesting mix between uncomforable, flattering, and at times a little terrifying
9. The scriptures are soo cool! Seriously, fonts of undless knowledge and power. And better than any good fairy tale or sci-fi. Even Nicolas Sparks or Harry Potter because they are totally real life! 

So, yep I could go on and on, but as promised, the 9! Love you all and have a boa semana!!

Sister Lauren

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