Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Monday, January 19, 2015

January 19, 2015- Weddings and things!

Hi family!

This week was oh so much better. No hospital visits. No sleepovers at President´s house. Just a lot of hard work. A LOT of sun. Ohh and a really special/eventful wedding. 

So, we are continuing to teach the woman, Célia, that we met a few weeks ago. She has three sons ages 18, 15, and 12. The two older ones are being typical, stubborn teenagers, but Tom, the 12-year old is darling and oh so interested. We are also teaching Célia´s best friend, Maria and if all goes right, the three of them (Célia, Tom and Maria) should be baptized January 31st. These women are incredible!! And our lessons are always so special. We apresented the Book of Mormon and they were so so happy! Actually now they don´t go anywhere without them. In all of our lessons they sit with their books all ready to be opened and read at any time. And yesterday in Sacrament Meeting they waited for names they recognized like Alma or Mosiah opened quickly looking for the right part to follow along. Their enthusiasm is darling. 
Maria told us that her mom died when she was a little girl. She does not remember much about her but still misses her daily. She loves our message because it contains the promise that she can see her mom again. One day we finshed our lesson and began to pray. As I finished the pray I realized that Maria had slipped to her knees during the prayer and we were there sitting on the couch. Yikes... Love when the investigator reaches a higher level of spirituality than the missionary... 
And Tom... he is just my favorite. His smile is endearing and he knows everyone on his street. We invited them to Angela and Edilson´s wedding and Maria and Celia were reluctant, but Tom wanted to go so much that he showed up at the chapel with a little friend. They helped us serve and clean tables the whole night!! Tom has also taken it upon himself to invite all of his little friends not only to church but also to be baptized! Already a missionary!
And the wedding.... So it was a really pretty night. Really it was. Joyce helped us with decorations and lots of families brought food. Angela even bought a white dress. We made beautiful invitations, centerpieces and even parting gifts. Only one minor difficulty... the bishops speech went a tad too long, the groom locked his knees and got really sick. So much so that he ended up vomiting on his new bride´s even newer dress and fainted right on the spot.. I think it is one of those things that will be a lot funnier here in a few years... But at least it gave Edilson a chance to experience the power of the priesthood first hand. He recieved lots of blessings and one member of the ward even offered the shirt of his back. A bonding moment for sure. 

So yep, an eventful week. These last two weeks will be super hectic. Lots to do. Ivan is still having lots of problems with the word of wisdom. I HATE cigarettes. and alcohol too. I am convinced they are some of the devil´s favorite tools. João still needs to break up with his girlfriend officially.I am trying real hard to be patient... Joyce and Alexandre created a family mission plan including lots of goals for how they will strengthen their family and help with missionary work.ex. Giving Book of Mormons, teaching with us, Family Home evenings. And Alexandre found some old manuals in the church library and he has already finished them all. He now quotes Ezra Taft Benson and Joseph Fielding Smith on a daily basis.

So, all in all, a great week to be a missionary. Hard but good. I am happy and well and send my love!

Boa Semana,

Sister Lauren

did you get your birthday video? Paulinho called me all worried that I did not mention your bithday! haha he thought I forgot

We went to the very cutest place last weekend!! sister Frandsen and another sister living with us are going home so they wanted to buy lots of stuff for their families. It is a street fair called Embú das artes and it is wonderful. Can´t wait to show you !!


1. My ear is much better. Still a little annoying but I am able to work normally so I am happy. 

2. I am great with that plan. I told the elders in the office to email you or mom.  They haven´t yet? They have never done this before and so they were a little confused. But the church headquarters buys the tickes.  I will call them again today. But if they don´t respond, their email is.... There is an English speaking elder there so it should work out okay. 

3. And I was just a little worried that Katie would leave for a mission and we wouldn´t get the Indian experience together. But I think one week is pretty short. The church history sites could be really cool!! Would we rent an RV? Maybe that would be better. I just really want to be together with everyone. 

I will be thinking about presents and things we can do. It will be a very special trip. I am excited!

                                                                          new years day. The streets were EMPTY

   the car broke down on the side of the road. That friendly man gave us water and gospel music to endure the wait!

                                                                                     She LOVED her clothes!!

                                                                           this DARLING place I will take you to

                                                                                         center pieces!!

                                                                                                    the bride!!

                                                                                      before the barf incident..

Jessica and Chris??? How did this happen?

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