Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5, 2015- Ano Novo #2!

Hi family!! Feliz Ano Novo!

Sorry I am writing a little late! We were hanging out at the president´s house! There was a contest in the mission, and the zone who baptized the most got breakfast!! There are some definite perks to being in Cotia.

My second new year´s eve here in Brazil was even better than the first. Unfortunately, I didn´t dress in all white, parading the streets. But we did something even better!! With president´s permission, we hosted a sleepover with 8 sisters that work nearby!! We made tacos, brownies and ice cream. We danced a lot. First the Brazilians taught us clumsy Americans the Samba... Yeah it probably was not super pretty. Then we taught them that classic efy dance. guns, guns, lasso laso. Yeah that one. After a year here in Brazil I am starting to wonder if our culture is the strange one?! haha

Then, we watched maleficent (also with President´s permission. He might be the coolest) ate popcorn and at midnight we watched the fireworks on top of our house. We all sang and danced to some columbian song about the new year. It was magical and unforgettable.

It was also a week of miracles and very special moments.
Ivan was traveling with his family but returned and we were so excited. As expected, he ended up drinking and smoking quite a bit on his trip but has decided that he is officially done and will try to be a new Ivan in this new year. To help with this resolution, we brought a woman from the ward that was an alcoholic until the missionaries knocked on her door 19 years ago. With their help she was able to give up all her bad habits and start a new life. She testified of how happy she is to have the gospel in her life. As we ended, I asked if Ivan wanted to pray. He firmly denied saying that he was still not ready to pray in public and he would wait until God put the words in his mouth. Honestly, I had to help but mutter when pigs fly in my frusteration. We kneeled and this irmã said the prayer. Just as she finished Ivan started... I was stunned. But the prayer was beautiful, thoughtful and heartfelt. He pleaded forces from God as if he was talking to a friend.

The day after Christmas (I decided that this is always the very worst day of the whole year but for missionaries it is even worse)  we were oh so tired and the sun was super strong. We were trudging along pleading for strength when we found two incredible families. One is traveling now and won´t get back until this week. danget. Buttt they are even marriedd!! The other is a beautiful, strong woman named Celia and her three sons. They seem super interested and have a lot of potential. I am so excited because I know this message  can make all the difference for them.

A recent converent, Simone and our favorite, Joyce both bore their testimonies all about missionary work. They both thanked us for being consistent, persistent and loving. They testified how much this message changed their lives and thanked us for our humble service. It was such a gratifying moment and the spirit was so so strong. I am grateful we get to help this wonderful people to become better, stronger individuals and families.

I hope that this new year gives you all a chance to ponder on the important things and make new goals for next year. 2015 will be a good one. I can feel it.

And Rach Rach, have a wonderful day beautiful girl. I love you lots.

Sister Lauren

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