Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Monday, July 28, 2014

July 28, 2014-NO LETTER FROM LAUREN- a letter from a few ward members!

Sister Neeleman

Your beautiful daughter was transfered tonight she Will go to Taboao da Serra, really Near from SAo Paulo. Educandario Ward. 
She's here now to say goodbye for me. 
She Will say everything to you next Monday. 

Sister Lauren no batismo do meu filho Enzo!
"Sister Lauren at the baptism of my son Enzo!- Luciana Lucci

I believe that, since it had not said anything to him about the visit was not going to talk to him when he went to take the packages at the mission house, who told me about the new areas were leaders in place that work in my ward. not know the location. I will visit and give a report. I understand it is a humble area. Yes she is a coach now, you should be happy because signal that already has mastery of the language and lessons.
your beloved daughter is talking great Portuguese. we have a great love for her our whole family. missed always take care of her as our daughter. carefully.
Leaders of the Zone told me that young sisters are coming from the United States and the President is opening new areas of sisters. I felt that she was sad about the transfer, she told me she wanted to see Katie, cou fix it.
combined with her as soon as she arrived in the new area she sends me the address of the chapel and I'll take Katie there, I will not speak with the president only score with her and spend there. so they can see. Sister Lauren left a package for me to catch on to the mission home and send it to you on the fourth finger feiro and leave it with Katie. Okay. Hugs and can let Katie take care of my daughter as well and she will be very happy here in Brazil.
she wants to ask permission to the President, if he authorize okay if he did not authorize she did not want to break the rule. not to depart from the Spirit. it shows the degree of emotional maturity and spiritual. this occurs when the person is canceled due to a cause.
Paulo Bergoc

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