Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Thursday, May 14, 2015

May 14, 2015- Letter from Sister Bourges

Hello Ms. Neeleman, how are you ?
Sorry for don't answer your e-mail before. Well, relating to my return at home... I am having great experiences with my family since I arrived. We are studing the scriptures together every single day and praying as well. It's a realy reason for me to be so happy because during so many years we tried to bring my father to the Church, but he never wanted. After 20 years enduring to live at home what we always learned at the church, our exemple touched his heart and he decided to be baptized. In January 22nd of this year we were sealed as family for the eternity and from that day until now, it makes me really happy. He was baptized only one week befor I leave home to serve as a Sister Missionary. So it is only now I am living with my hole family as member of the church. So for me it's being wonderful to be at home again, I was realy excited to have these experiences after mission and now I'm living it.
Sister Lauren always jumps of happiness when talks about her home and her family. She loves every single thing you've done for her. There's no way for her doesn't like to be at home again. She expects too much from this great moment. She learned so much during this hole time and I know she wants to share all these things with you. Then, the only advice I give you is let her to do so. Just the way you are and everything you're doing is enough for her to feel the most special person of the world.
Your family is amazing and I am realy thankful for the oportunity to meet all of you personally. I need to resolve some questions about my university before confirm a specific day to me get there, but next week I am almost sure I'll give you something right.
Thank you for everything. You are incredible. Is there something I can do for you ? If there is, I would love to help.


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