Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4, 2015- Elder Christofferson, Morgan's baptism, Livia

Oí Família! 

First and foremost, WE HAD AN APOSTLE IN OUR MISSION THIS WEEK!!! Elder Christofferson visited us. I have no idea how, or why, but our mission was chosen to participate in a special meeting with only the CTM missionaries. He talked to us for about 3 hours and responded to lots of questions. It was incredible. But one thing that I loved... Someone asked how we can be sure that the Lord is accepting our work. And his response was perfect.. he said that this may be the wrong approach. Rather, we should just work really hard, try to follow the spirit, and allow our minds to be filled with the needs and problems of others. I think on of the secrets to missionary work is not thinking less about your self but about thinking about your self less. At least, this philosophy has helped me to find a great and lasting satisfaction in my mission. 

It was another wonderful, busy week!! We miraculously, had another baptism! Morgan, Rogerio´s less-active (returning) friend. The cool thing was that Rogerio was able to baptize Morgan and the two were so happy! The ward members all helped out despite the fact that our WML couldn´t be there. (On a side note, he had good reason. His healthy youngish dad had an unexpected fall and died almost instantly. The most unsettling part is that we knew his dad pretty well and were not expecting it. Not even one bit. Life is short and oh so precious) But everyone came and brought food and encouraged Morgan with this big decision. 
Also, he and Rogerio invited lots of their family members and all were excited. Rogerio´s very closed off Japonese dad asked what he had done to become promoted to ``padre.´´ haha

In other news, our new miracle Lívia, and her mom are progressing just splendidly. Her mom, Regina, has fell in love with us and our message because she has seen the difference in her precious daughter, Lívia in such a short time. So much so, that she relied on us to answer a few of the questions she has been trying to get answers to her whole life... The santicty of the trinity, tithing, the girft of tounges and the virginity of Mary... yeah I know, the most random of questions, but she was quite content with our answers. She has problems with smoking and coffee, but in one week she has already cut out a lot of that from her life. She told her desire to her husband Adriano, and he said ``If you want to stop, I will stop with you. We can help eachother!´´ Such a miracle. 
I can´t even begin to describe the difference we are seing in Livia already. She is another person. When we met her a few weeks ago, she couldn´t even get out of bed due to a servere case of depression. So much so, that we insisted on going up stairs to literally pull her out of bed. Now, she can´t even stay in bed!!! She is smiling and laughing and planning for the future. She went to my English class Tuesday and loved it! She participated in the games and everything. She saw a video about the church and fell in love, instantly with BYU. She can´t stop thinking about the campus and the atmosphere. With the gospel, she will do some incredible things. 

Carla and Diego seem to be fighting less. Last night we watched 17 miracles and they were so touched. They said that the sacrifice of so many faithful, good people puts their problems in perspective. Herique even liked the movie! And that, my friends, is saying something. 

Well, have a great week! I love you all and miss you dearly, but the time is ticking :) Have a happy mother´s day!! 

Sister Lauren

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