Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Friday, February 28, 2014

Feb 25, 2013- "Fancy Nancy"

Bom Dia!
This letter will be pretty quick because after this we are going to the temple! But  this week was really great! We saw a lot of the fruits of the work we have been doing for the last couple weeks and we had lots of miracles too.
But first, quick fancy nancy story.. As a little reminder, Nancy is the member who told another American sister that her teeth were becoming very yellow and requested some hydrogen peroxide for her own teeth a few weeks ago. Well... we spent some more time with her this week and she definitely did not disappoint in the comic relief area. She came with us one night to teach a few lessons and as we were leaving her chique apartament she had one request... that we go anywhere EXCEPT the favelas. So you best believe where we took her... the favelas. And it was hilarious. At one point she even started screaming and ran away from a dog. Also, over the course of the night she told my companion that her shoes were absolutely hideous and that no one would consider joining the church if they even thought they had to wear shoes like that. Thank the heavens I am on her good side now because she can be one blunt woman. But seeing her in the ghetto was absolutely priceless and I was honored to witness her first experience there.
We also had a multi zone conference this week and President and his wife spoke. They are great. President talked about when the resurrected Christ returned to minister to the people and he showed them the marks signifying that he had completed his mission with honor. President asked us to think about the marks that we are obtaining from our mission. He joked about the dog bites, but ironically the devil dog at our house attacked me this week and the doors of a bus closed on me so I may have a few literal wounds by the end of this 18 month stretch. But further, he asked us to think about the experiences we are having and the things we are learning here that will bless our lives forever. We do a lot of work here and we have lots of opportunities to learn and grow. Christ used his marks to teach and testify and I am excited to be able to do the same!
Also, we had lots of success this week with our investigators! One family that we having been teaching for quite some time got married on Saturday and if all goes as planned they will be getting baptized this Saturday! We even made a cake (my fave.. cinnamon roll cake) for the wedding and it was a fun day for them! They are humble wonderful people and I am excited for them.
Then, we were at church with another investigator Douglas when he expressed that he too wanted to be baptized this Saturday! He is 21 and really smart, pensive and now he is planning to serve a mission in a year. So cool!
And a few weeks back we were walking on the street and in the course of 10 minutes we met 3 members of the same family! So we naturally planned a time to come back and teach them and they too want to be baptized. After we got done teaching about the restoration the we asked if they thought that God could call a prophet again on the earth and the oldest daughter Michelle (24ish) said yes because as we were teaching she felt a warm fuzzy feeling throughout her whole body. I am so grateful that the Holy Ghost never lets us down. Every time someone comes ponders and prays with a sincere heart and real intent they do get a response! But they are so wonderful too. Last week I mentioned Valentines Day and as we were leaving they gave me this darling handmade heart garland to remember my first Valentines Day away from home! And this week after our lesson they had dinner ready for us. Thoughtful girls!
And we are teaching a man named Johnson from Africa. He does not speak any portuguese which means I get to teach in ENGLISH!! What luck!
Here are just a few of the many people that are willing to hear our message right now. I am amazed and humbled every day at the respect and love people have for Jesus Christ and us as his representatives here. It is quite inspiring. Love you guys. I may have a little more time to write after the temple to respond to individual mail but I am so glad that grandpas party was a success! I am so grateful for our wonderful family and the knowledge and blessins we have that we so often take for granted.
Love you and miss you all oh so frequently!
Sister Lauren

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