Brazil Bound

Brazil Bound
December 2013-June 2015
Sao Paulo West Mission

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 19, 2014

It was a great and oh so fast week! And and at times, pretty difficult. Here are a few of the highlights...

This week we got an interesting phone call from a woman named Renata. She asked if we remembered her and at first Sister Dantas had no clue. But turns out three months ago the sisters were walking and my companion had a distinct feeling that she needed to stop at a random door so she did. This is a little unusual because we only ever knock on doors if we are contacting a reference because we don´t want to look like Jehovah´s witnesses. But anyway, they explained ´´hello, we are missionaries and we have come to share a message about Christ. A message of peace and hope that will bless your lives.´´ And the woman said ``my life is complicated enough.´´ No thank you and all but slammed the door. Quickly, they whipped out a pamphlet about the plan of salvation, wrote their names and number on the back and told her that in the future, if she needed anything we were only a phone call away. 

Renata then explained that the last three months had been really difficult for her and her family. She only recently managed to find a job but until she recieved her first paycheck she had nothing. No food in their pantry and not even milk for her baby and that they needed our help. My companion got off the phone and explained the situation and I am embarrassed to say that at first I thought, ``what nerve!´´ I could not believe that after the rude way she treated us she expected us to bring her groceries. But we called the bishop and explained the situation anyway. He simply said ``I will call the relief socieity president and let you know when we are ready.´´

That night we delivered not only milk but also bread, noodles, flour, sugar and lots of other neccessities. I have thought a lot about this experience and I have come to a few conclusions. First, that the promptings of the spirit are precious. Second, that I am so grateful to be a part of such a wonderful organization: the Church of JESUS CHRIST. There were no ifs or buts associated with the delivery. We did not even ask for an apology for the rude way she treated us. We simply helped a family that was struggling. Similiarly, Christ went about doing good at all times. He healed and helped and even suffered and died for people that would never accept his atoning sacrifice. And as members of His church, we have the obligation and opportunity to do the same thing. It is not always easy, but it definitely should be our goal. 

This week we walked so so much. We had so many appointments but the majoirity fell through so we ended up doing quite a bit of service! We helped some members set up for a darling baby shower and filled so many balloons. Like hundreds. We helped an investigator make a diper cake for another baby shower. (moms staple!) We did lots of laundry and cleaned a garage. Annddd I helped our recent convert, Dos Anjos, prepare for some job interviews! She quit her job so that she could come to church so I want her to find something better so badly! But you best believe that I used all the tactics I learned in junior miss..  We spruced up her resume and added some `sparke´ to her responses.I felt like I was sitting with Tewa again! But this time I was doing the polishing!!

A few Brazil experiences that at the time were quite annoying but a little bit funny: As we were walking, out of no where, we began to get pelted by hale. So we huddled under a door frame waiting for it to pass. As an attempt to literally sing in the rang, we belted our favorite efy songs. We probably looked ridiculous. But I guess it did not matter much because we were the only people physco enough to be outdoors.  Finally a member came to our rescue. But where else in the world does it go from sun to hale in 5 short minutes!? Then, one morning we woke up to find that we had completely lost water in our apartment. No showers, washing machines, and and clean hands for us! The next morning we found that we had no power. The Brasileiros in my apartment informed me that this is normal here. Yeah I will sing praises for America for as long as I live. 

All in all, we had a great week. I learned a lot. We had some rough moments too but I guess that is life right? Love you all! This week we have 2 apostles coming to speak on Wednesday so stay tuned for some copious notes! 

Love you! 

Sister Lauren

p.s. Your ideas are perfect! Thank you so much! The lady who takes care of us is named Sueli. 
I think that it may be better with just you guys too. I dont know if the kiddies will appreciate it and it may be a little much. Or maybe the older kids? But Victoria said that see had such an incredible time winding through all the favela type areas with Hilary. I am not sure about the release date but probably not for a long time. And you dont need to sign up for school until probably around december. 

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